IS TABLE OF :指定是一个集合的表的数组类型,简单的来说就是一个可以存储一列多行的数据类型。 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER:指索引组织类型 BULK COLLECT :指是一个成批聚合类型,简单的来说 , 它可以存储一个多行多列存储类型,采用BULK COLLECT可以将查询结果一次性地加载到集合中。 【实例】在SCOTT模式下,使用...
IS TABLE OF:指定是一个集合的表的数组类型,简单的来说就是一个可以存储一列多行的数据类型。 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER:指索引组织类型 BULK COLLECT:指是一个成批聚合类型,简单的来说,它可以存储一个多行多列存储类型,采用BULK COLLECT可以将查询结果一次性地加载到集合中。 【实例】在SCOTT模式下,使用IS TAB...
IS TABLE OF 相当于是数组,这里定义了一个数组类型info_index ; VARCHAR2(20) 定义数组里面只能放字符串 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER 定义数组下标是整数 DECLARETYPEinfo_indexISTABLEOFVARCHAR2(20)INDEXBYPLS_INTEGER;v_info info_index;BEGINv_info(1):='AAA';v_info(12):='BBB';DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(v...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于oracle is table of的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及oracle is table of问答内容。更多oracle is table of相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Try our tutorials and labs with Oracle Cloud Free Tier, your own tenancy, or in a free lab environment provided by Oracle. Explore Help Center Learn Oracle Developer Center Access the tools and resources you need for modern cloud development using Java, JavaScript, databases, microservices, ...
Oracle中index by binary_integer的作用 Oracle PL/SQL中创建UDT的复合类型时,index by binary_integer作用 如语句:type numbers is table of numberindex by binary_integer;其作用是,加了”index by binary_integer ”后,numbers类型的下标就是自增长,numbers类型在插入元素时,不需要初始化,不需要每次extend增加一...
segment_type ='INDEX' and t.segment_name in ('索引名1','索引名2') GROUP BY t.owner,t.segment_name ORDER BY SUM(bytes) desc; 5、查看UNUSABLE状态索引 代码语言:javascript 复制 select index_name,table_name,TABLESPACE_NAME,STATUS from dba_indexes where status ='UNUSABLE'; 6、查看dba_...
20、e of the segment: INDEX PARTITION, TABLE PARTITIONTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace containing the extentEXTENT_IDNUMBERExtent number in the segmentFILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the file containing the extentBLOCK_IDNUMBERStarting block number of the extentBYTESNUMBERSize ...
You cannot add a partition to a global index because the highest partition always has a partition bound of MAXVALUE. If you wish to add a new highest partition, use the ALTER INDEX SPLIT PARTITION statement. If a global index partition is empty, you can explicitly drop it by issuing the ...
■ Oracle Text index structure is enhanced to provide faster query response time. Changes to index structure improves the performance of Oracle Text significantly. This option is enabled by default in Oracle SES, and results in significant improvement in the response time of the query engine. ...