@文心快码BaiduComateoracle invalid number of arguments 文心快码BaiduComate Oracle中的“invalid number of arguments”错误 1. 错误含义 在Oracle数据库中,“invalid number of arguments”错误表示函数调用时提供的参数数量不正确。这个错误通常发生在调用内置函数、存储过程或自定义函数时,提供的参数与函数定义所需的...
OGG-00220: Invalid number of arguments for {0} {1} The specified parameter requires more option arguments than were provided. 1-30 Chapter 1 Action: Add the required arguments. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. OGG-00221: Invalid parameter {0} setting ...
总结: concat只能连接两个字符,而“||”可以连接多个字符。 1、用concat时: ①.拼接两个字符串 sql>select concat('aa','bb') from test; concat('aa','bb') aabb 1. 2. 3. ②.拼接多个字符串 sql>select concat('aa','bb','cc') from test; 0RA-00909:invalid number of arguments 1. 2. ...
原因:参数问题造成; 解决方案:检查参数个数及参数值
CDR-14001,1, "Invalid number of arguments specified." Cause : The minimum or maximum argument count for this command has been exceeded. Action : Check the usage for this command and ensure that all arguments that are required have been specified. CDR-14002,1, "Invalid number of options ...
Address add_column gets ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments [#1157, #1170] Address change_column ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments [#1171, #1172] SchemaDumper should not dump views as tables [#1192] Use Abstract select_rows(arel, name = nil, binds = []) [#1132] Address OCI...
ORA-06550: line 2, column 3: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PROC_TEST' ORA-06550: line 2, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored 解决方法: 检查TEST_TABLE 是否存在: 检查TEST_TABLE 是否存在: 重新创建 TEST_TABLE: 重新创建 TEST_TABLE: 重新编译 PROC_TEST: 重新...
ORA-17150Wrong arguments for proxy session代理会话的参数错误。 ORA-17151Clob is too large to be stored in a Java StringClob 太大,无法存储在 Java 字符串中。 ORA-17152This method is only implemented in logical connections此方法仅在逻辑连接中实施。
Cause: The native service layer was unable to determine the number of arguments given for a configuration parameter. Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Support Services. TNS-02505 Authentication: null context pointer provided...
ORA-17042Invalid Batch Value无效的批值。 ORA-17043Invalid stream maximum size流的最大长度无效。 ORA-17044Internal error: Data array not allocated内部错误: 未分配数据数组。 ORA-17045Internal error: Attempt to access bind values beyond the batch value内部错误: 试图访问批值之外的绑定值。