ORACLEinitalization orshutdownin progress C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect system/密码 as sysdba 已连接。 SQL> oracle 职场 转载精选 itmyhome 2011-09-11 11:37:14 654阅读 oracle关闭问题shutdown 遇到一个问题在用shutdown关闭数据库时,一直关闭不了,而且也没有连接使用...
2010-05-02 03:11:19.033: [ CSSD][1197668093]clssnmCompleteInitVFDiscovery: Detected voting file add in progress for CIN 0:1134513465:0, waiting for configuration to complete 0:1134513098:0 解决的办法是,参照note 1364971.1中的步骤,以 exclusive 模式启动 ocssd.bin。 如果选举盘的位置是非 ASM 的设...
ocssd.bin may not come up with the following error if all nodes failed while there's a voting file change in progress: 2010-05-02 03:11:19.033: [ CSSD][1197668093]clssnmCompleteInitVFDiscovery: Detected voting file add in progress for CIN 0:1134513465:0, waiting for configuration to compl...
ORACLE initalization or shutdown in progress C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect system/密码 as sysdba 已连接。 SQL> oracle 职场 转载 精选 itmyhome 2011-09-11 11:37:14 657阅读 oracle关闭问题shutdown 遇到一个问题在用shutdown关闭数据库时,一直关闭不了,而且...
ocssd.bin may not come up with the following error if all nodes failed while there's a voting file change in progress: 2010-05-02 03:11:19.033: [ CSSD][1197668093]clssnmCompleteInitVFDiscovery: Detected voting file add in progress for CIN 0:1134513465:0, waiting for configuration to compl...