语句:impdp CD1/oa123456 directory=oabak dumpfile=621.DMP logfile=621.log full=y TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE部分报错:ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE_BODY:"APEX_030200"."WWV_FLOW_DOWNLOAD" already existsORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE_BODY:"APEX_030200"."WWV_FLOW_DRAG_LAYOUT" already exists...
impdp cwy_init2/init@orcl directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=cwy_init_0806.dmp REMAP_SCHEMA=cwy_init1:cwy_init2 transform=segment_attributes:n logfile= imp_cwy_init_0806.log 1. 导入报错,提示ORA-39083、ORA-01917 ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error: ORA-01917: u...
回答:关键在这个错误上: ORA-04052: 在查找远程对象 FOLK_BAK.T_FL_LENDERBASICINFOP@FOLKBACKUP 时出错 报错的原因为创建导入SCHEMA的DBLINK失败不通无法访问 特别的RAC数据库,要保证tnsnames.ora在两个节点都迁移过来了 解决办法是迁移tnsnames.ora 另外还加了CLUSTER=N让其只在一个节点运行 http://...
impdp system/oracle dumpfile=dumpdir:mview.dmp 导出和导入语句没毛病,小麦苗自己也测试了一下,的确如此,会报错的。 1.3.1 故障环境介绍 1.3.2 故障发生现象及报错信息 ORA-39083: Object type MATERIALIZED_VIEW failed to create with error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Failing sql is: C...
1. 使用expdp/impdp工具时报错 1. Oracle软件与数据库不匹配错误: 问题描述: ORA-31626: job does not exist ORA-31637: cannot create job SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 for user SYSTEM ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95 ORA-00942:table or view does not exist ...
I execute an impdp of schema from my database in version then I have this next error : ORA-39083: Object type INDEX:"WT9PRD01"."PROJECTPLAN$COMPOSITE1" failed to create with error: ORA-04067: not executed, package body "WT9PRD01.WTPREFIXPK" does not exist ORA-06508: PL/SQ...
impdp system/oracle dumpfile=dumpdir:mview.dmp 导出和导入语句没毛病,小麦苗自己也测试了一下,的确如此,会报错的。 1.4 故障处理总结 1、使用数据泵进行导出和导入时,基于schema和数据库级别可以导出和导入物化视图。 2、使用数据泵单独导出和导入物化视图(include=materialized_view)时,会报ORA-39083和ORA-00942...
检查impdp命令的参数是否正确。 ORA-39002: 无效的转储文件。确保转储文件的路径和名称正确,且文件没有损坏。 ORA-39083: 对象已存在。使用TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE参数来替换已存在的对象。 如果遇到其他错误,可以查看Oracle官方文档或搜索相关的错误信息以获取帮助。 注意事项 确保Oracle客户端已正确安装并配置了...
I execute an impdp of schema from my database in version then I have this next error : ORA-39083: Object type INDEX:"WT9PRD01"."PROJECTPLAN$COMPOSITE1" failed to create with error: ORA-04067: not executed, package body "WT9PRD01.WTPREFIXPK" does not exist ORA-06508: PL/SQ...
and impdp full. exception ( SYS, SYSTEM, and all the schema admin ) then when I execute impdp I have several errors like this next Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/GRANT/SYSTEM_GRANT ORA-39083: Object type SYSTEM_GRANT failed to create with error: ...