grant the user theUNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege.This overrides all explicit tablespace quotas for the user. If you later revoke the privilege, then you must explicitly grant quotas to individual tablespaces.You can grant this privilege only to users, not to roles....
4.改变用户在表空间上的配额: ALTER USER username QUOTA 0 ON system; ALTER USER scott QUOTA UNLIMITED ON USERS; ALTER USER dog QUOTA 30M ON system; 5.查看用户表空间配额(dba_ts_quotas): SQL> SELECT USERNAME,TABLESPACE_NAME,MAX_BYTES/1024/1024 "Max MB" 2 FROM dba_ts_quotas WHERE USERNAME...
--建立临时表空间 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_data TEMPFILE 'D:\TEMP_DATA.dbf' SIZE 100M --建立用户 CREATE USER peter IDENTIFIED BY peter DEFAULT TABLESPACE data01 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_data;--给用户授权 grant connect,resource,dba to peter;-- 从 '建立表空间' 到 '建立临时...
1、双击桌面sqldeveloper软件图标启动软件。2、新建数据库连接,填写登录数据库信息并选择相应角色进行登录。3、登录成功后先查询出hr用户下所有的表名,可直接通过dba_tables来进行查询。4、把查询权限赋给测试用户的方法有两种,一种为当用户下的表比较少的情况下可以直接通过grant select/delete/update o...
复制代码 授予用户表空间权限: ALTER USER username QUOTA UNLIMITED ON tablespace_name; 复制代码 给用户授予权限: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO username; 复制代码 这样就创建了一个新的表空间并为用户授予了相应的权限。可以根据具体需求修改表空间的大小、用户的权限等。 0 赞 0 踩...
-- -- This script must be run from an Oracle login having the -- authorization to create a new user and grant unlimited tablespace on -- any existing tablespace. The login must also be able to grant to the -- newly created login the following authorizations: -- -- create public synonym...
TABLESPACE -o tablespaces.sql -b %namespace%/schema/tablespaces -c %namespace%/config/ora2pg.conf ora2pg -p -t TRIGGER -o triggers.sql -b %namespace%/schema/triggers -c %namespace%/config/ora2pg.conf ora2pg -p -t TYPE -o types.sql -b %namespace%/schema/types -c %namespace...
create user c##roma_logminer identified by password default tablespace users container=all;grant c##roma_logminer_privs to c##roma_logminer container=all;alter user c##roma_logminer quota unlimited on users container=all; 其中: c##roma_logminer为LogMiner用户名,请根据实际规划设置。 password为LogMiner...
create user testuser identified by test default tablespace users quota 5M on users; 1. 2. 3. 4. 运行结果如图3 图3 🔥2. 创建用户后为其授予登录数据库和创建数据库对象的权限 答:创建语句为 grant create session,create table to testuser; ...
If a table includes a BFILE column, the data for the column is stored in the file system. The replication administrative user account must be granted access to the directory in which the data is stored using the following syntax: GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY <directory_name> TO <replication_admini...