GRANT ANY ROLE 5个序列权限 登录数据库权限 CREATE SESSION 表空间权限 类型权限 视图权限 表权限 触发器 备份数据库 EXP_FULL_DATABASE IMP_FULL_DATABASE 二、对象权限 具体表的操作权限: grant select,delete,insert,update on user1.t_hr to user2; grant all on user1.t_hr to user2; 具体存储过程...
grant imp_full_database to 用户名; grant resource to 用户名; grant create procedure to 用户名; grant create trigger to 用户名; grant execute any procedure to 用户名; grant grant any privilege to 用户名; grant restricted session to 用户名; grant select any table to 用户名; grant unlimited ...
用户缺少导入权限,授予用户导入权限 grant imp_full_database to 用户名; 顺带写下赋予用户导出权限 grant exp_full_database to 用户名;
grant exp_full_database to test; grant imp_full_database to test; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant create procedure to test; grant create trigger to test; grant execute any procedure to test; grant grant any privilege to test; grant restricted session to test; grant select any table...
expdp zhangsan/1234@crm schemas=crmdata dumpfile=mydump.dmp ; 1. 2. 报错:only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA 是因为没有授权。 sqlplus / as sysdba; grant imp_full_database to zhangsan; 1. 2. 授权之后不报这个错了,继续报错。
grant exp_full_database to mytest; grant imp_full_database to mytest; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 对应地,删除用户命令为: drop user MYTEST cascade; 1. 四、创建DUMP目录(导出的数据文件所在目录),并赋予权限刚刚创建的用户 create directory DUMP_DIR as 'G:\other\dpdump'; ...
So, do we need to grant all the following 4 roles to 'bkup_role' and 'restore_role' - I numbered them to separation description bkup_role: 1. exp_full_database, 2. datapump_exp_full_database restore_role: 3. imp_full_database, ...
GRANTIMP_FULL_DATABASETOHX_PLAT_SPLIT_TEST; 结果还是没效果。后面网上查了下,发现有个文章很像我的问题: “通过以下命令导入数据到oracle数据库,报"ORA-39002: 操作无效","ORA-39165: 未找到方案" 错误 impdp tms/tms123@orcl schema=tms director...
网上说要把在 data_dump_dir 上的 read,write 的权限赋予scott。按照此说法做后,发现问题依然。 grant dba to scott 权限后,问题解决。 其实问题的核心不在于dba权限,而在于 EXP_FULL_DATABASE / IMP_FULL_DATABASE 角色。 oracle的官方文档中早就有了此问题和原因(Oracle® Database Utilities): ...
imp system/manager file=(paycheck_1,paycheck_2,paycheck_3,paycheck_4) log=paycheck,filesize=1G full=y 7. 使用参数文件 imp system/manager parfile=bible_tables.par bible_tables.par参数文件: #Import the sample tables used for the Oracle8i Database Administrator's ...