就会丢失. 所以可以在create sequence的时候用nocache防止这种情况。 2、Alter Sequence 你或者是该sequence的owner,或者有ALTER ANY SEQUENCE 权限才能改动sequence. 可以alter除start至以外的所有 sequence参数.如果想要改变start值,必须 drop sequence 再 re-create . Alter sequence 的例子 ALTER SEQUENCE emp_sequence...
}//方法一//先用select seq_t1.nextval as id from dual 取到新的sequence值。//然后将最新的值通过变量传递给插入的语句:insert into t1(id) values(?)//最后返回开始取到的sequence值。//这种方法的优点代码简单直观,使用的人也最多,缺点是需要两次sql交互,性能不佳。publicintinsertDataReturnKeyByGetNextVal...
select SEQ_ID.nextval --SEQ_ID正是刚才创建的 into nextid from sys.dual; :new.DepartId:=nextid; end if; end tri_test_id; 注::new 代表 数据改变后的新值,相对应的有 :old 原值 := 代表 赋 :nextid表示引用sqlplus中定义的变量 以下是C#代码 使用Sequence var result = new SNResult() { E...
CREATE|ALTERSEQUENCEsequence_name … SCALE [EXTEND | NOEXTEND] | NOSCALE 当SCALE语句被指定时,一个6位数的数字被指定作为序列的前缀,末尾是正常的序列数字,两者联合成为新的序列: scalable sequencenumber= 6digit scalable sequence offsetnumber ||normalsequencenumbe...
CREATE|ALTERSEQUENCEsequence_name …SCALE[EXTEND|NOEXTEND]|NOSCALE 当SCALE语句被指定时,一个6位数的数字被指定作为序列的前缀,末尾是正常的序列数字,两者联合成为新的序列: 代码语言:javascript 复制 scalable sequence number=6digit scalable sequence offset number||normal sequence number ...
ORA-17160execution context id sequence number out of range执行上下文 ID 序列号超出范围。 ORA-17161Invalid transaction mode used使用的交易模式无效。 ORA-17162Unsupported holdability value不支持的holdability值。 ORA-17163Can not use getXAConnection() when connection caching is enabled无法在启用连接缓存时...
But I don't create the sequence. It's a pre-existing sequence that I just get the next number from. The increment value is set to one. And actually, for clarification, I need to be able to get any number of nextval values from 2 to 4000. And it will vary from user to user and...
ORA-17160execution context id sequence number out of range执行上下文 ID 序列号超出范围。 ORA-17161Invalid transaction mode used使用的交易模式无效。 ORA-17162Unsupported holdability value不支持的holdability值。 ORA-17163Can not use getXAConnection() when connection caching is enabled无法在启用连接缓存时...
Attn: Oracle Application Server Documentation Manager ■ Postal service: Oracle Corporation Oracle Application Server Documentation 500 Oracle Parkway, M/S 1op6 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and electronic mail address (...
分享出来, 留个纪念. 后续还会分享其它的笔记, 基本上都是linux运维和数据库的. 2年的量, 不算多也不算少 代码语言:javascript 复制 #查询所有用户 select username from dba_users;select username from all_users;selectUSERNAME,ACCOUNT_STATUS,CREATEDfrom dba_users order by3;#查看时间 ...