Returns a description of all databases specified in the Oracle Home specified by $ORACLE_HOME environment variable. This Oracle Home is expected to be on the same host as the Oracle REST Data Services server instance. A client requires System Administrator role to invoke this service...
of the Cloud Between Self-built Databases Two-Way Synchronization Task Management Tag Management Connection Diagnosis Viewing Abnormal Data Interconnecting with CTS Interconnecting with Cloud Eye Interconnecting with LTS Operation Reference in Synchronization Scenarios Appendix Data Subscription Real-Time Disaster...
Do not modify or delete the usernames, passwords, and permissions of the source and destination databases or change the ports of the source and destination databases. Do not perform the resetlogs operation on the source Oracle database. Otherwise, data cannot be synchronized and tasks cannot be ...
For standalone database to get the list of databases which are started automatically after host rebooting: cat /etc/oratab | grep -i ":y" | grep -v "^#" or just to get the list of all databases: cat /etc/oratab | grep -v "^#" For RAC databases following method can be usefu...
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java standard that provides the interface to connect Java applications to relational databases. In addition to supporting the standard JDBC application programming interfaces (APIs), Oracle JDBC also provides extensions to support Oracle-specific data types and enh...
LOOK_FORWARD_FUNCTION List of schema to get functions/procedures meta information that are used in the current schema export. When replacing call to function with OUT parameters, if a function is declared in an other package then the function call rewriting can not be done because Ora2Pg only...
intpageIndex =1;intpageSize =20;inttotalCount=0;varpage = db.Queryable<Student>().ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize,reftotalCount); Feature4 : Dynamic expression varnames=newstring[] {"a","b"}; Expressionable<Order> exp =newExpressionable<Order>();foreach(variteminnames) ...
When you connect to the source, you can now select databases/schemas of interest. Selecting only the schemas that you plan to migrate saves time during initial connection and improve overall SSMA performance. The ability to use the official, managed .NET driver to connect to Oracl...
If you downloaded Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, you might be unable to connect to Oracle databases because of an Oracle driver issue. If you come across this issue, the error message returned is:Object reference not set.To address the issue, do the following: ...
varmysqldb=db.GetConnection("1");//mysql dbvarsqlServerdb=db.GetConnection("0");// sqlserver dbdb.BeginTran();mysqldb.Insertable(newOrder(){CreateTime=DateTime.Now,CustomId=1,Name="a",Price=1}).ExecuteCommand();mysqldb.Queryable<Order>().ToList();sqlServerdb.Queryable<Order>().ToList()...