使用基于文件的数据导入 (File-Based Data Import,FBDI) 业务流程模式 下面显示了将源 ZIP 文件中的一个或多个文件转换为 FBDI 格式的Oracle Integration业务流程模式示例。 要从源格式转换为 FBDI 格式的逻辑流遵循以下步骤: 阅读触发器文件。 下载源数据文件。 块读取数据并将其转换为 FBDI 格式...
第一步是產生供 Oracle Cloud ERP 使用的檔案式資料匯入 (FBDI) 檔案。 大多數與 ERP 的大量整合都使用 FBDI 檔案。FBDI 檔案是純文字資料檔,其內容與下列類似: 複製 NEW,1,2018/03/01,Balance Transfer,Remote Transfer,USD,2018/03/01,A,01,000,1212,0000,000,,,99.00,,,Team ...
CloudXHub for Excel provides simpler template for users to extract and load data directly into Fusion. FBDI and ADFDI templates can often be complex and prone to manual error. With CloudXHub’s integrated solution for Excel we can simplify the template design and provide additional validation, ...
Example of how you can define an effective start date for a routing in the ScpRoutingsImport file-based data import (FBDI) template:Steps to EnableYou don't need to do anything to enable this feature.Tips And ConsiderationsEffective start date for a routing can be in the past, the system...
Bug 32095745 - Missing Alternate text for the Oracle logo in the instructions of the Import Unassigned Asset Lines File-Based Data Import (FBDI) template 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A) Not Applicable The product has no multimedia. 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Lev...
Streamline Oracle Fusion processes efficiently and affordably. The Simplified Loader provides Excel templates as the ideal alternative to FBDI and ADFdi templates for Oracle Fusion.
9.File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process to Assets Creation 10.Create accounting Entries & Transfer To GL Oracle Fusion Fusion TAX Agenda: 1.Create Tax Regime 2.Create Taxes 3.Create Tax Jurisdictions 4.Create Tax Status 5.Create Tax Rates 6.Create Configuratio...
Spreadsheet extract or upload including FBDI: upload a sample spreadsheet. Report output. Log files. Make sure you clearly label and explain each uploaded document / recording in the body of the SR. Do not be surprised if Support requests you to reproduce the issue more than once. As the an...
33 File Based Data Import (FBDI) - data load & error handling 34 Spread sheet Data Loader (SDL) 35 HCM Data Loader (HDL) - overview & preparing data file 36 HCM Data Loader (HDL) - data load & error handling HCM Extracts 37 Extracting Data Overview & Creating HCM Ext...