Oracle is the only Leader in Forrester Wave™for B2B Customer Data Platforms Find out why Oracle is the only Leader. Access the Forrester report Unified marketing and sales Check out our on-demand webinars to prepare for the future of marketing. ...
Oracle Unity Customer Data Platform transforms enterprise-wide customer data into actionable, trusted, and AI-enabled customer profiles. With complete and unified data, enterprises can create and activate audiences, generate more conversation-ready opportunities, personalize experiences, uncover insights, and...
This association represents the relationship between the taxonomy modules and the corresponding domain and enterprise applications stored in the Oracle Fusion Applications Functional Core (ASK) tables.Define Reference Data SharingReference Data Sharing: ExplainedReference data sharing facilitates sharing of confi...
削除済レコードAPIを使用したSalesおよびFusionサービスでの削除済レコードの検索Sales Automationコア共通CX基盤アクティビティにおける顧客対応の取得営業担当は、アクティビティの一部として顧客対応をログに記録できるようになりました。顧客対応履歴をログに記録および表示して、アクティビティに...
Customer Success What's New Business InsightsApplications Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM)Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM is a complete cloud solution that connects every human resource process—and every person—across your enterprise. We help you create a community where people feel valued, heard, ...
Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX) 服务在线聊天摘要 帮助呼叫中心座席根据与客户沟通的转录文本,生成智能、简洁和清晰的客户聊天内容摘要。企业可以在 Oracle Service 中使用生成式 AI 创建高质量的聊天内容摘要,准确跟踪客户正在面对的问题,减少服务座席的手动任务,并改善客户和员工的体验。
data entry数据输入->forms前台菜单->tables后台的数据库表->oracle server oracle服务器 1008. 不同的字段颜色,有不同的功能,系统中有哪5种颜色,他们分别是做什么用的? 白色》允许录入数据 White:It allows data entry. 蓝色字段黑色文本》下拉列表 Blue with Black text:It indicates drilldown capabil...
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, or Oracle Taleo, is a cloud HCM solution with Talent Management solutions. Its talent management solution includes Recruiting, Onboarding, Learning, Career Development, Opportunity Marketplace, Performance Management, Compensation, Succession Planning, etc.Read more Learn from to...
Oracle是全球第二大独立软件公司Oracle是全球第一大数据库软件公司Oracle是全球领先的电子商务公司Oracle是北美制造业第一大ERP公司全球145+個国家及地区设有分支机构Oracle全球超过42,700名员工全球超过200,000客户Oracle总部位于加州硅谷,亚太地区总 部设于新加坡2003财政年度营业额近100亿美元,研发 经费超10亿美元 Orac...
FAW Data Pipeline processes the data augmentation pipeline jobs, extract the data from OTM tables and load it into ADW, queryable via synonyms starting with DW_OTM_X_ Augmented data can be then queried directly using OAC Data set or a SQL client like SQL developer, through the databas...