Example DECLARE VAL VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN VAL := HTMLDB_UTIL.GET_ATTRIBUTE ( p_username => 'SCOTT', p_attribute_number => 1); END; GET_CURRENT_USER_ID Function This function returns the numeric user ID of the current user. Syntax HTMLDB_UTIL.GET_CURRENT_USER_ID; RETURN NUMBER; Pa...
Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) ...
Pipelined function also returns result sets much like we saw in the previous example. The difference is that a pipelined function doesn’t return the whole set at the end of the execution of the function. In a pipelined function,PIPE ROWstatement is used to send the result to the caller im...
In this case, you must set both directives to use the same port number. To set these ports, use the "Oracle HTTP Server port" and "Oracle HTTP Server Listen port" lines in the staticports.ini file. For example: Oracle HTTP Server port = 8080 Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 8080 To...
The following statement uses the COUNT(ALL val) function to return the number of non-null rows in the items table, considering duplicates. SELECT COUNT( ALL val ) FROM items; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) B) Simple Oracle COUNT() example The following example returns...
theOracleDataAdapteris filled usingREF CURSORparameters returned by a stored procedure, because Oracle does not provide the information necessary to determine what the table name and column names are when the SQL statement is executed. The following C# example assumes that you have created this ...
return Parms[2].Value.ToString().Trim(); } Function: function GetItemDescription(p_item_code in varchar2, p_org_id number) return varchar2 is v_item_desc varchar2(150); begin select msib.DESCRIPTION item_desc into v_item_desc
CREATEFUNCTIONget_emp(emp_id NUMBER)RETURNemployees%ROWTYPEISstmtVARCHAR2(200);emprec employees%ROWTYPE;BEGINstmt:='SELECT * FROM employees '||'WHERE employee_id = :id';EXECUTEIMMEDIATEstmtINTOemprecUSINGemp_id;RETURNemprec;END;/ DECLARE ...
It is easier to do that with a PL/SQL block. For example if you have the following tables: create or replace type point as object (x number, y number); create table point_values_table of point; create table point_ref_table (p ref point); You can insert a new point value in point...
Here is an example of a PL/SQL wrapper procedure MY_PROC for a stored procedure PROC that takes a BOOLEAN as input: PROCEDURE MY_PROC (n NUMBER) IS BEGIN IF n=0 THEN proc(false); ELSE proc(true); END IF; END; PROCEDURE PROC (b BOOLEAN) IS BEGIN ... END; ...