he would insert a record and save successfully, then try to modify it and consistently got FRM-40654 when he tried to save. No other user was trying to update the row, and there were no triggers on the table.
12.如果在post-query中用select into为某个item赋值,此item的databaseitem属性需设置为No,否则在ctrl+f11查询后后会有提示框 frm-41050: You cannot update thisrecord. 13.编译时报错:错误0发生在第0行,第0列 Compilation unit analysis terminated procedure等的spec和body参数不一致的时候,编译会报这个错误。 1...
27.FRM-40654 Record has been updated by another user.Re-query to see change. 不知道为什么出这个错误,新写的Form,Base View,没什么another user在用,后自己写了个on-lock就没再出现这。 28.限制在新增记录的时候必须第一个输入某栏位,直接把这个Item设为First navigate item即可,即在block中位置排在最上...
27.FRM-40654 Record has been updatedby another user.Re-query to see change. 不知道为什么出这个错误,新写的Form,BaseView,没什么another user在用,后自己写了个on-lock就没再出现这。 28.限制在新增记录的时候必须第一个输入某栏位,直接把这个Item设为First navigateitem即可,即在block中位置排在最上面,...
,'FRM-40654' --"Record has been updated by another user. Re-query to see change." ,'FRM-40657' --"Record changed or deleted by another user." ,'FRM-41106' --"You cannot create records without a parent record." ) THEN -- show the error message in a popup and raise FTF ...
27.FRM-40654 Record has been updatedby another user.Re-query to see change. 不知道为什么出这个错误,新写的Form,BaseView,没什么another user在用,后自己写了个on-lock就没再出现这。 28.限制在新增记录的时候必须第一个输入某栏位,直接把这个Item设为First navigateitem即可,即在block中位置排在最上面,...