SORTS:完成的排序数 LOADED_VERSIONS:显示上下文堆是否载入,1是0否 OPEN_VERSIONS:显示子游标是否被锁,1是0否 USERS_OPENING:执行语句的用户数 FETCHES:SQL语句的fetch数。 EXECUTIONS:自它被载入缓存库后的执行次数 USERS_EXECUTING:执行语句的用户数 LOADS:对象被载入过的次数 FIRST_LOAD_TIME:初次载入时间 INVALIDA...
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT s.sql_text, --s.sql_fulltext, s.sql_id, s.executions "执行次数", s.last_active_time "最后执行时间", s.first_load_time "父游标创建时间", s.parsing_user_id "执行用户id", u.username "执行用户", RANK() OVER(ORDER BY executions DESC) executions_rank FROM ...
select a.USERNAME登录Oracle用户名,a.MACHINE计算机名,SQL_TEXT,b.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,b.SQL_FULLTEXTfrom v$sqlarea b,v$session a where a.sql_hash_value=b.hash_value and b.FIRST_LOAD_TIMEbetween'2016-11-01/09:24:47'and'2016-11-31/09:24:47'order by b.FIRST_LOAD_TIMEdesc; 查看正在执行sql...
select sql_text,hash_value,module,first_load_time,last_load_time from v$sql where sql_text like'INSERT INTO FWCATNS_STG_SWIN@DEVFWCP (C%'order by last_load_time desc 查下来一看hash_value的值是一样的,说明不是绑定变量的问题,而是version count过多,而且是五分钟一次,接下来我们来分析原因 2.3...
There are other columns named FIRST_LOAD_TIME, LAST_LOAD_TIME, and LAST_ACTIVE_TIME. FIRST_LOAD_TIME is defined as the Timestamp of the parent creation time. Is it correct to assume that this this is the first time the sql was run on the database and LAST_LOAD_TIME is the last tim...
There are other columns named FIRST_LOAD_TIME, LAST_LOAD_TIME, and LAST_ACTIVE_TIME. FIRST_LOAD_TIME is defined as the Timestamp of the parent creation time. Is it correct to assume that this this is the first time the sql was run on the database and LAST_LOAD_TIME is the last tim...
This metric is computed as follows: Activity duration for completed activity/# of Completed Activities The time to respond to an assigned Lead. This metric is computed as follows: Date of first Lead Activity - Lead assigned date The average number of Lead Activities per Team member. The rate ...
Oracle Database@Azure expands to meet global demand Multicloud service is available for the first time in South America and now in nine Microsoft Azure regions overall, with an additional 24 regions planned by the end of 2025. Twelve Labs uses OCI to train AI models ...
(s.elapsed_time / 1000000 / s.executions, 2) "平均执行时间", --单位:秒s.first_load_time "父游标创建时间",s.parsing_user_id "用户id",u.username "用户名"FROM v$sqlarea sLEFT JOIN all_users u ON s.parsing_user_id = u.user_idWHERE s.executions > 0AND u.username = 'OPT_WMS_...
select sequence#,to_char(first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') First_time,First_change#,switch_change# fromv$loghist where first_time>sysdate-3 order by 1; 或 SELECT TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD') DAY,SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'HH24'), '00', 1, 0)) H00,SUM(DECODE(TO...