10046是一个Oracle的内部事件(event),通过设置这个事件可以得到Oracle内部执行系统解析、调用、等待、绑定变量等详细的trace信息,即帮助我们解析一条/多条SQL、PL/SQL语句的运行状态。 这些状态包括:Parse/Fetch/Execute三个阶段中遇到的等待事件、消耗的物理和逻辑读、CPU时间、执行计划等。 它不仅为我们揭示了一条、...
Whena query uses literals, the optimizer can use theliteral values to find the best plan. However, when a query uses bindvariables, the optimizer must select the best plan without the presence ofliterals in the SQL text. This task can be extremely difficult. By peeking at bind values the ...
这时Oracle会新生成一个Session Cursor和一对Shared Cursor(即Parent Cursor和Child Cursor),这其中的Shared Cursor会存储能被所有会话共享、重用的内容(比如目标SQL的解析树、执行计划等),而Session Cursor则会经历一次Open、Parse、Bind、Execute、Fetch和Close中的一个或多个阶段。
II 20634449 Wrong results from OUTER JOIN with a bind variable and a GROUP BY clause in II 20618595, DBA_CONSTRAINTS returns wrong CONSTRAINT_NAME for system generated in PDBs – 20615472 AL32UTF8 database has different character for for ...
Not sure why you're using a PL/SQL block for that. You aren't using the id you declare, and it would be better to give it a name different to the column name to avoid confusion. You can declare a bind variable in SQL*Plus though, and select into that: var l_test_quote varchar...
从Oracle 10.2开始,若Version Count大于200,则Executions和 "Elap per Exec(s)"列不再自动收集,因为会引起性能问题,可以参考Why "Executions" and "Elap per Exec(s)" are 'Blank' in AWR for Some SQL Statements (Doc ID 1522547.1)。 参考:https://xmmup.com/awrbaogaozhongsqltongjibufendezhixingcishuh...
There are two types of variable in SQL-plus: substitution and bind. This is substitution (substitution variables can replace SQL*Plus command options or other hard-coded text): define a = 1; select &a from dual; undefine a; This is bind (bind variables store data values for SQL and PL...
这个维度的很大用户是用来 识别应用特性的变化 ,若2个AWR性能报告中该维度指标 出现了大幅变化,例如 redo size从本来per transaction 1k变化为 10k per transaction,则说明SQL业务逻辑肯定发生了某些变化。注意AWR中的这些指标 并不仅仅用来孤立地了解 Oracle数据库负载情况, 实施调优工作。 对于 故障诊断 例如HANG、...
SQL> SELECT SUM(BYTES) FROM v$sgastat WHERE pool = 'shared pool'; In Oracle Database 10g, the exact value of internal SGA overhead, or Startup overhead in Shared Pool, is listed in the newv$sgainfoview. In themanualSGA mode, values ofSHARED_POOL_SIZEthat are too small to accommodate...
Download the Oracle JDBC driver that is compliant with the JDK version that you are using. You can find the latest versions of the JDBC driver on thedownload page.. Make sure to include the JDBC drivers on the classpath. SeeWhat are the different JAR files on the download page for?to ...