impdpuser/passwddirectory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmpfull=y; 第二种:同名用户导入,从用户A导入到用户A; impdp A/passwd schemas=A directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp logfile=impdp.log; 第三种:①从A用户中把表table1和table2导入到B用户中; impdp B/passwdtables=A.table1,A.table2remap_schema=...
PARFILE 3.4.29 PARTITION_OPTIONS 3.4.30 QUERY 3.4.31 REMAP_DATA 3.4.32 REMAP_DATAFILE 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-9 3-13 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-22 3-23 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-34 3-34 3-36 3-37 3-37 3-38 3-39...
First, start bydownloading and installingthe SQLcl software. Installation is as simple as extracting the ZIP file to a new folder (a bit similar to the “installation” of SQL Developer). SQLcl is a Java-based tool, so you also need to have at least version 8 of the Java Runtime Envi...
expdp scott/tiger@pdb1 schemas=scott directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=scott4.dmp logfile=scott4.log query='SCOTT.EMP:"WHERE deptno=10",SCOTT.DEPT:"WHERE deptno=20"'Network Exports/Imports (NETWORK_LINK)The NETWORK_LINK parameter identifies a database link to be used as the source for a network...
然后通过exp username/password@orcl parfile=parameter.dat 1.3处理模式 1 整库模式:拥有EXP_FULL_DATABASE,IMP_FULL_DATABASE权限可以进行整库导出导入,对于exp中的full参数 2表空间模式:对于exp中的tablespace参数 3用户模式:owner参数,可以同时导出多个用户 ...
SQL> select sysdate from dual@dblink_to_other_CDB; SYSDATE ——— 19-NOV-21 On the prim side create an intermedia PDB (clone from the remote container) (with a PDB in diff character set). This step will create a pluggable dabase in our CBD with the character set from the Other CDB...
Start a command prompt and set ORACLE_SID to the required database name e.g., DBCSE C:\ >set ORACLE_SID=DBCSE C:\ >echo %ORACLE_SID% DBCSE Change to the directory containing the parameter file and run the export command: expdp system/system_password parfile='exp_parfile.txt' ...
First, create a database link from the Oracle XE database to the Oracle RDS database (I’m connecting here to the Pluggable Database XEPDB1 with user SYSTEM): $ sqlplus SYSTEM@XEPDB1 SQL > show con_name; CON_NAME XEPDB1 SQL> create database link AWS_RDS connect to <DBA> identifie...
SQL> grant read,write on directory data_dir to user; Grant succeeded. (2)用expdp导出dmp,有五种导出方式: 第一种:“full=y”,全量导出数据库; expdp user/passwd@orcl dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir full=y logfile=expdp.log; 第二种:schemas按用户导出; ...
LOGFILE 日志文件名 (export.log)。 NETWORK_LINK 链接到源系统的远程数据库的名称。 NOLOGFILE 不写入日志文件 (N)。 PARALLEL 更改当前作业的活动 worker 的数目。 PARFILE 指定参数文件。 QUERY 用于导出表的子集的谓词子句。--QUERY = [schema.][table_name:] query_clause。