Data Pump Export enables you to specify that a job should move a subset of the data and metadata, as determined by the export mode. This is done using data filters and metadata filters, which are specified through Export parameters. See "Filtering During Export Operations". To see some examp...
Data Pump Export enables you to specify that a job should move a subset of the data and metadata, as determined by the export mode. This is done using data filters and metadata filters, which are specified through Export parameters. See "Filtering During Export Operations". To see some examp...
expdp system DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP schemas=USER_NAME INCLUDE=TABLE:\"LIKE \'%BAK%\'\" dumpfile=USER_NAME1206.dmp logfile=USER_NAME1206.log 1. 高版本导入12.1.0.2版本数据 expdp system@orcl_dev schemas=user1,user2 dumpfile=orcl.dump version= DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP_DIR; 1. 只导出用户...
Example: expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp You can control how Export runs by entering the 'expdp' command followed by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords: Format: expdp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN) Example: expdp scott/tiger...
betweenOracledatabases.Theutilityisinvoked with the following command:Example:expdp scott/tigerDIRECTORY=dmpdirDUMPFILE=scott.dmpYoucan control howExportruns by entering the'expdp'command followed by various parameters.Tospecify parameters,you use keywords:Format:expdpKEYWORD=value orKEYWORD=(value1,value2...
expdp parfile=export_config.txt “` 其中,export_config.txt是导出配置文件的路径。 执行该命令后,Oracle将导出指定的对象和数据,并将其保存到指定的导出文件中。 导出的数据文件可以通过网络传输、复制到其他机器等方式进行数据迁移、备份等操作。 以上是在Linux系统中使用Oracle命令导出数据的方法和操作流程。根据具...
EXPORT SCHEMA=DIRECTORY=DUMPFILE=.dmp “` 其中,是要导出的数据库模式名,是导出文件存储的目录名,.dmp是导出文件的名字。 6. 导出完成后,可以退出expdp命令行环境: “`bash QUIT “` 通过以上步骤,就可以在Linux中使用expdp命令导出Oracle数据库了。请根据实际需要设置好导出的参数,确保成功导出所需的数据和对象...
要导出一个Oracle数据库的dmp文件,可以使用Oracle的exp工具或者使用expdp工具。以下是两种方法: 使用exp工具:在命令行中输入以下命令: exp username/password@SID file=export.dmp 其中,username是数据库用户名,password是密码,SID是数据库实例名,export.dmp是要导出的文件名。 使用expdp工具:在命令行中输入以下命令:...
Calling Data Pump Export program You invoke the Data Pump Export program using theexpdpcommand. The behaviors of the program are determined by the parameters specified either on the command line or in a parameter file. expdpCode language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) ...
[oracledb@ ~]$exportORACLE_SID=SIDNAME 2、切换字符集 #查看oracle数据库的字符集 SQL> select userenv('language') from dual; #查看oracle数据库的编码 SQL> select * from nls_database_parameterswhereparameter ='NLS_CHARACTERSET'; [oracledb@ ~]$setNLS_...