ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '6502 TRACE NAME ERRORSTACK LEVEL 3'; This event trace can also be enabled at the session level. Enable the trace at the session level if the error can be reproduced by running the failing PL/SQL code from a SQL*Plus session.When enabling the trace at session le...
ORA-06502 exception_dump tracing does not work?? Hello Connor/Chris, Hope you are doing well. I came across MOS note ORA-6502 Research Events (Doc ID 2911572.1), which claims to recommend an option to enable trace to get more details about ORA-06502 error. However, I am not able to ...
SQL> alter system set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; SQL> alter system set events '6502 trace name errorstack level 3'; 3, Reproduce the error on the target DB side. RMAN> resync catalog; RMAN> exit; 4, Cancel EVENT_10928 on the server that starts the RMAN cli...
TOO_MANY_ROWS ORA-01422 -1422 SELECT INTO语句返回多行数据。 VALUE_ERROR ORA-06502 -6502 发生算术、转换、截位或长度约束错误。例如,当我们的程序把一个字段的值放到一个字符变量中时,如果值的长度大于变量的长度,PL/SQL就会终止赋值操作并抛出异常VALUE_ERROR。在过程化语句中,如果字符串向数字转换失败,异常...
-6502VALUE_ERROR-43322001 -6511CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN-50224502 -6532SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT-20439428H1 -6533SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT-204392202E -6592CASE_NOT_FOUND-77320000 -54-90457011 -60-91140001 -310-20642703 -595-39042887 -597-30342806 -598-40723502 ...
VALUES(v_error_code, v_error_message); END; 2. 非预定义( Predefined )错误 即其他标准的ORACLE错误。对这种异常情况的处理,需要用户在程序中定义,然后由ORACLE自动将其引发。 处理非预定义的Oracle错误:此类错误属于Oracle错误,有编号,但无错误名称定义,使用时需要先声明,并 ...
Q.What is error "ORA-6502?" A.The default length of a string bound to anOUTPUTparameter of a CallableStatement is 128 characters. If the value you assign to the bound parameter exceeds that length, you will get this error. You can adjust the length of the value of the bound parameter ... Troubleshooting an Invalid ACL Error 5.1 Deprecated Features 5.1.1 Component View Tab Deprecated 5.1.2 Syntax {COLUMN_NAME}_LABEL in Interactive Grid Icon and Detail Views Deprecated 5.1.3 Date Picker (jQuery) Deprecated 5.1.4 Based On - Output of PL/SQL Code attribute Deprecat...