最近在客户生产环境部署应用的时候发现连接oracle数据库报错connection reset;errorcode 17002 state 08006; 在网上查询了相关错误码并没有发现可以借鉴的经验。与客户方dba排查问题后发现应用已经连接了数据库,并在oracle日志中发现了查询sql,并成功返回了数据,但是客户端在长时间等待后仍然返回了connection reset。 后来在...
errorCode 17002,state 08006 java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Connection reset by peer,Authentication lapse 74909 ms. 1.虽然启动报错,但只是连接数据库比较慢,功能一切正常。 2.查阅资料发现由于tomcat启动时产生随机数导致jvm阻塞,可能是多次启动tomcat导致熵池被用空造成阻塞。 3.使用telnet命令查询部...
连接失败,errorCode 17002, state 08006 两位同学的反馈,问题都指向数据库,应用无法连接数据库。 赶紧检查数据库状态…… 结果: 数据库监听正常 集群状态正常 数据库日志没有报错 会话远没达到配置上线 数据库没有死锁 系统资源都比较空闲,没有压力 数据库一切正常…… 根据错误代码,进行查询,发现可能是linux系统熵池...
The hostname will immediately appear below this command and if you’re receiving the SQL error code 17002, in most cases it will be different from the hostname that appeared when you right-click on the database name in the previous step. Remember that I told you to take note of the Hos...
IO Error: Connection reset', SQLState: '08006'; ErrorCode: '17002'; java.sql.SQLException: Cannot get connection for URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@*host*:1522/DB : IO Error: Connection reset at org.mule.db.commons.shaded.internal.domain.connection.enhydra.wrapp...
2017-10-27 15:13:34,509 CST ERROR CODE create connection error, url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@X.X.X.X:1521/CFBMODB2, errorCode 17002, state 08006||com.alibaba.druid.pool .DruidDataSource$CreateConnectionThread.run(DruidDataSource.java:2103) ...
DruidDataSource : create connection SQLException, url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@10.10 .10.10:1521:ORCL, errorCode 17002, state 08006 java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establi sh the connection at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:458) ~[...
michael-z-x-chenchanged the titleHikariPool-1 Connection oracle.java.driver.T4CConnection@655ce28e marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006) .=,ErrorCode(17002)May 15, 2020 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment...
Connection reset problem. User is getting connection reset exceptions error on the server. Raw The Error Code is : SQL Error: 17002, SQLState: 08006 Resolution The error does not originate with JBoss and may require investigation by: Network administrators ...
2个都安装在D盘了,连接不到电脑装的oracle用户都没显示,app/547是oracle的安装目录,plsql的安装目录也在这个盘的根目录文件夹,这咋整呀 +3 分享234 java吧 SinNbd 江湖救急: Oracle数据库插入时报错在调用jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate进行数据库插入时, 数据库抛出 SQL state [72000]; error code [1461] ORA-...