Definition of enterprise resource planning (ERP) What is an ERP system? What’s the difference between ERP and financials? ERP fundamentals The business value of ERP A brief history of ERP ERP deployment models: From on-premises to the cloud ...
Migrate from any on-premises ERP system to Oracle Cloud ERP Highest performing cloud Unify HR and finance with Oracle Cloud See why Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP is the leader Our ERP solutions have been cloud-based from the beginning. They’re intelligent, fully connected, and built for flexibility...
Definition of enterprise resource planning (ERP) What is an ERP system? What’s the difference between ERP and financials? ERP fundamentals The business value of ERP A brief history of ERP ERP deployment models: From on-premises to the cloud Cloud ERP—A new ERP delivery model 7 reasons to...
ERP implementation steps Enterprise resource planning—Overview Definition of enterprise resource planning (ERP) What is an ERP system? What’s the difference between ERP and financials? ERP fundamentals The business value of ERP A brief history of ERP ...
Definition of enterprise resource planning (ERP) What is an ERP system? What’s the difference between ERP and financials? ERP fundamentals The business value of ERP A brief history of ERP ERP deployment models: From on-premises to the cloud ...
Oracle ERP系统模块 Oracle Manufacturing称Oracle企业管理系统,它和Oracle Financials称为Oracle财务信息系统,组成了一套完整的集生产、人力资源、工程、财务、分销为一体的应用产品。 这套系统有以下一些特点: 1.集成的解决方法 对于一个企业来说,信息越完全,就越有竞争能力。一个比较复杂的组织机构具有不断增长的市场...
Business application evolution and introduction to Enterprise resource planning(业务应用演变与ERP介绍)章节,将带我们回顾ERP的发展历程,理解其在企业管理中的重要地位。随后,Technical Architecture of ERP system An Overview(ERP系统技术架构概览)将深入剖析Oracle ERP的技术架构,让我们对系统的底层设计有更清晰...
Oracle 系统管理(SYSTEM ADMIN)System Adminstrator Oracle 预警(ALT)Alert Oracle 多维数据分析/商业智能系统 (OLAP/BIS)Online Analytical Processing / business intelligence system Oracle 桌面集成(ADI)Application desktop integrator DRP 分销资源计划 Distribution Resource Planning ...
Oracle ERP系统模块 Oracle Manufacturing称Oracle企业管理系统,它和Oracle Financials称为Oracle财务信息系统,组成了一套完整的集生产、人力资源、工程、财务、分销为一体的应用产品。 这套系统有以下一些特点: 1.集成的解决方法 对于一个企业来说,信息越完全,就越有竞争能力。一个比较复杂的组织机构具有不断增长的市场...