ORACLE ERP相关整理汇总 摘自:
ORA-12222:TNS:no such protocol adapter 117 Create Accounting with error【not balance in the entered currency】 117 Copy Functionality fails with TNS&FNDFS_ error 119 95276 Please define an entered currency balancing account 119 四、 总账(GL)详细设置 121 Oracle ERP 总帐(GL)设置概述 121 (一) ...
ORA-12222:TNS:no such protocol adapter 117 Create Accounting with error【not balance in the entered currency】 117 Copy Functionality fails with TNS&FNDFS_ error 119 95276 Please define an entered currency balancing account 119 四、 总账(GL)详细设置 121 Oracle ERP 总帐(GL)设置概述 121 (一) ...
Log in to the customer community On-premises software 24/7 assistance with service requests Access to My Oracle Support including our knowledgebase Access to the major product and technology releases Lifetime support Critical patch updates, security alerts, and tax, legal, and regulatory updates ...
<server>:<port>/<instance>(例如。 连接字符串还可以指定 Oracle Net 连接描述符,例如(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) ( (PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orcl)))。 如果使用目录服务器或 tnsnames,则连接字符串可以是连接的名称。
Log in to the customer community On-premises software 24/7 assistance with service requests Access to My Oracle Support including our knowledgebase Access to the major product and technology releases Lifetime support Critical patch updates, security alerts, and tax, legal, and regulatory updates ...
通过https://\<hostname>:5500/em 访问,使用 DBA 账户登录。 配置EM Express 1. 确认数据库版本 EM Express 从 Oracle Database 12c 开始提供。确保你的数据库版本是 12c 或更高版本。 代码语言:sql AI代码解释 SELECT*FROMv$version; 2. 确认监听器和数据库状态 ...
SharePlex是一种基于分析oracle的redo log文件,把数据改变从一个Oracle数据库复制到另外一个或多个oracle数据库的逻辑数据复制软件。 SharePlex特点: 可以复制表(全部内容、部分行、部分列) 可以复制MV和sequence,以及DDL 支持Blob,Clob,NClob,Long,Long RAW,udt,varray,nchar,nvarchar2,IOT,XML等不常用的数据类型 ...
Oracle ERP Audit Funtion in R12.2.4 M1 JOB NAME:164839 TABLE NAME:WIP_REQUIREMENT_OPERATIONS Request name:AuditTrail Update Tables Output log /etc/host.conf: line 1: bad command `: 'weblog' +---+ Application Object Library: Version : 12.2 Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its ...
Oracle ERP 技术探讨 Strcuts 开发举例 在JSP页面的form中 其中styleId="poDocumentForm" 对应Structs-config.xml文件中的 就是ActionForm类. 其中action="/po/poDocument" 属性对应的就是Structs-config.xml中的action标签中的 path="/po/poDocument 也...