11. 选择Object Browser > Browse > Tables 旁的向下箭头。 12. 要查看表定义,单击左侧导航器中表列表下的 OBE_TASKS 表。 13. 该页面将显示表定义。要查看表中的数据,单击 Data 选项卡。 14. 您看到表中的所有数据。您可在此页面中更改表中的任何数据,也可向表中添加行。返回...
version - Display the oracle listener version information reload - This will reload the oracle listener SID and parameter files. This is equivalent to lsnrctl stop and lsnrctl start. save_config - This will save the current settings to the listener.ora file and also take a backup of the liste...
FREELISTS NUMBER Number of process freelists allocated to the segment; null for partitioned tables FREELIST_GROUPS NUMBER Number of freelist groups allocated to the segment; null for partitioned tables LOGGING VARCHAR2(3) Logging attribute; NULL for partitioned tables ...
tablespace_name ORDER BY USED_PERCENT desc; 查看表空间所在位置 select file_id,FILE_NAME,bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files; 查看表所属表空间(表的名字大写) SELECT TABLE_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME FROM DBA_TABLES where table_name='T_COUSE'; 查看表空间大小及位置 col file_name for a60; set ...
analyze table tablename compute statisticsfortableforall indexesforall columns for table的统计信息存在于视图:user_tables 、all_tables、dba_tables for allindexes的统计信息存在于视图: user_indexes 、all_indexes、dba_indexes for allcolumns的统计信息存在于试图:user_tab_columns、all_tab_columns、dba_tab...
26、mpression indicates that all tables in the tablespace will be created with table compression enabled unless otherwise specified.RETENTIONVARCHAR2(11)Undo tablespace retention: GUARANTEE - Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as GUARANTEEA RETENTION value of GUARANTEE indicates t 27...
select 'create or replace synonym ' || table_name || ' for FMS_CZ_MD.' || table_name || ';' from user_tables;--同义词创建 select userenv('language') from dual; --查看字符集编码 select * from all_users; --查询所有用户
select table_name from dba_tables where owner=upper('&Table_Owner') order by 1 / undefine table_name undefine owner prompt accept owner prompt 'Please enter Name of Table Owner (Null = &Table_Owner): ' accept table_name prompt 'Please enter Table Name to show Statistics for: ' ...
To clean up tables Log onto the Business Modeler as described in “Logging onto the Business Modeler.” Click Tools > Maintain > Tables Cleanup. The Tables Clean Up dialog box appears, listing the Demantra temporary tables. Click the appropriate check boxes for the tables you want to delete,...