create table t(s date,e date); alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd'; insert into t values('2003-03-01','2003-03-03'); insert into t values('2003-03-02','2003-03-03'); insert into t values('2003-03-07','2003-03-08'); insert into t values('2003-03-07',...
先来说一下需求:日期格式需要取年的后两位+月份转为A-L+当月第几周,如21I1就是今天的日期码。 相应的Oracle SQl语句如下: 代码语言:javascript SELECTTO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YY')||DECODE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM'),'01','A','02','B','03','C','04','D','05','E','06','F','07','G','08...
select to_char(to_date('2002-08-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'day','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') from dual; monday 设置日期语言 ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE='AMERICAN'; 也可以这样 TO_DATE ('2002-08-26', 'YYYY-mm-dd', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') 4. 两个日期间的天数 select...
NLS_DATE_FORMAT is used if a date format mask is not specified in application code. The effective NLS_DATE_FORMAT is determined by the following (in order of precedence): 1. Session NLS_DATE_FORMAT (via ALTER SESSION command) 2. Client side NLS_DATE_FORMAT (from client environment variable...
Changing the default date format. Oracle displays DATE types, by default, according to the format mask defined in the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. This can be changed in the session like:ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ...
日期和字符转换函数用法(to_date,to_char) We overwrite NLS_DATE_FORMAT into different formats for the session. SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-RR'; Session altered. SQL> set pagesize 0 SQL> set linesize 130 SQL> select * from nls_session_parameters; ...
Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 你使用: ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY = 'Germany' ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (DY)'; SELECT dt, ROUND(dt) AS default_result, ROUND(dt, 'DAY') AS day_explicit, ROUND(dt, 'DD') AS dd_explicit FROM ...
In an Oracle environment, when a server or client receives user certificates, it can validate the certificate by checking the expiry date, signature, and revocation status. The certificate revocation status is checked by validating the status against published CRLs. If certificate revocation status ...
For example, in the United Kingdom, the default date format is DD-MON-YYYY, where DD is the day of the month (1-31), MON is the abbreviated name of the month, and YYYY is the 4-digit year. Installing Oracle Database and Creating a Database 2-17 Creating and Managing a Database...
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'; Session altered. SQL> alter database begin backup; Database altered. 当执行了alter database begin backup之后,所有表空间一次被置于热备状态,可以通过并行方式对数据库进行备份: ...