[RETURNdatatype]ISselect_statement;-- open cursorOPENcursor_name[([parameter=>]value[, [parameter=>]value]…)];-- fetch cursorFETCHcursor_nameINTO{variable_list|record_variable };--close cursorCLOSEcursor_name; 举一个例子:输出员工表中所有的员工姓名和工资(游标不使用参数) declare -- 声明游标 c...
SELECT <columnname>, <aliasname>.<methodname(parameters)>FROM <aliasname>;例:select flightno,route_code,f.days_fn(flight_day1) as FLIGHTDAY from FLIGHT_SCH_TAB f;C.关系表中的字段为对象类型create table FLIGHT_SCH_TABS(FLIGHT_DET FLIGHT_SCH_TYPE , FLIGHT_DESC varchar2(20)) ;注:插入...
其中,view_name是视图的名称,column1, column2, …是视图中的列名,table1, table2, …是视图中要查询的表,condition是查询条件。 例如创建一个视图,显示所有员工的姓名、部门名称和薪水: CREATE VIEW emp_dept_salary AS SELECT e.ename, d.dname, e.sal FROM emp e, dept d WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno...
具体SQL语句 一、 create table 创建表 create table ( col_name<datatype>, col_name<datatype>, col_name<datatype> ) 二、 alter table 修改表 alter table [add] [modify] [drop column<column_name>] 三、 rename 重命名表 rename old_table_name to new_table_name 四、 truncate table 删除表中...
declare--声明有参游标 cursorv_emprows(v_depno number)isselect*fromempwhereemp.deptno=v_depno;v_emprow emp%rowtype;begin--打开游标 openv_emprows(10);--操作游标 loop fetch v_emprowsintov_emprow;dbms_output.put_line('员工姓名为: '||v_emprow.ename||' 员工工资为: '||v_emprow.sal...
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci8:","scott","tiger"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); /*Ask for the column as a string: *Avoid a round trip to get the column type. *Convert from number to string on the server. */ ((OracleStatement)stmt).define...
A table can contain only one LONG column. You cannot create an object type with a LONG attribute. LONG columns cannot appear in WHERE clauses or in integrity constraints (except that they can appear in NULL and NOT NULL constraints). ...
前两天看到有人在pub上问在sqlplus中通过define和variable定义的变量的区别。其实define定义的我理解不是变量而是字符常量,通过define定义之后,在通过&或者&&引用的时候不需要输入了,仅此而已。oracle在执行的时候自动用值进行了替换;而variable定义的是绑定变量,上面已经提到。 1. C:>sqlplus xys/manager 2. SQL*Plus...
Alter your application to usedefineColumnTypeto define the columns asTIMESTAMPrather thanDATE. There are problems with this because you really don't want to usedefineColumnTypeunless you have to (seeWhat isdefineColumnTypeand when should I use it?). ...
Alter your application to usedefineColumnTypeto define the columns asTIMESTAMPrather thanDATE. There are problems with this because you really don't want to usedefineColumnTypeunless you have to (seeWhat isdefineColumnTypeand when should I use it?). ...