EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; username CHARACTER(10); password CHARACTER(10); db_string CHARACTER(20); EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; set username = 'scott'; set password = 'tiger'; set db_string = 'd:newyork-nondef'; -- Assign a unique name to the database connection. EXEC SQL ...
Optional. If specified, the variable's value is constant and can not be changed. datatype The datatype to assign to the variable.Example - Declaring a variable Below is an example of how to declare a variable in Oracle called LDescription. LDescription varchar2(40); You can then later se...
If the value that you assign to a character variable is longer than the maximum size of the variable, an error occurs. For example: 1: DECLARE 1. 1: DECLARE 2: 3: c VARCHAR2(3 CHAR); 4: 5: BEGIN 6: 7: c := 'abc '; 8: 9: END; 10: 11: / 12: 13: Result: 14: 15:...
The only values that you can assign to a BOOLEAN variable are TRUE, FALSE, and NULL. The following code initializes the BOOLEAN variable done to NULL by default. Then it assigns it the literal value FALSE, compares it to the literal value TRUE, and assigns it the value of a BOOLEAN...
'; read emp_number; –– query database for employee's name, salary, and commission –– and assign values to host variables EXEC SQL SELECT ENAME, SAL, COMM INTO :emp_name, :salary, :commission:ind_comm FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = :emp_number; 2 – 10 Programmer's Guide to the Oracle...
assign_bonusはコールされるたびに総資金から割り当てる賞与を減算し、その減算後の総資金を返します。この賞与プールが底をついたときに、フェッチを停止し、すべての変更をコミットします。 リスト1に、明示カーソルを使用してこのロジックを実装したブロックを示し、さらにこのブロック内の...
已用时间: 00: 00: 00.42 01:11:19 hr@orcl> DECLARE 01:11:24 2 VARRAY_INTEGER INTEGER_VARRAY:=INTEGER_VARRAY(NULL, NULL, NULL);--直接应用对象型类INTEGER_VARRAY 01:11:24 3 BEGIN 01:11:24 4 -- Assign values to replace the null values. 01:11:24 5 FOR I IN 1 .. 3 LOOP 01:...
Instead, create a datetime variable, assign it the literal value, and call EXEC with the variable as the argument: DECLARE @v1 datetime SET @v1 = CONVERT(datetime,'14-sep-94') EXEC('INSERT INTO DYNORCL.SALES(ID, ORD_NO, ORD_DATE, QTY) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', '6380', '6871'...
Assign values to subscripted members of the varray. : varray « PL SQL « Oracle PL / SQLOracle PL / SQL PL SQL varray Assign values to subscripted members of the varray. SQL> SQL> DECLARE 2 TYPE integer_varray IS VARRAY(3) OF INTEGER; 3 4 intArray INTEGER_VARRAY := integer_...
SQL>DECLARE2PROCEDUREp3IS4xVARCHAR2(1);5BEGIN6x:='a';--Assign the value'a'to x7DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In procedure p, x = '||x);8END;910PROCEDUREq11IS12xVARCHAR2(1);13BEGIN14x:='b';--Assign the value'b'to x15DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In procedure q, x = '||x);16END;1718...