So for example, the difference between 01.11.2011 1pm and 03.11.2011 1pm amounts to 20 hours (or 72000 seconds respectively). I also need to disregard weekends and holidays, but I already got a PLSQL function for that. Thank you in advance! Regards, Alex EDIT Meanwhile I came up with...
If you want the difference, then do something like this: SELECT(trunc(SYSDATE)-trunc(LoginDate))asdifferenceFROMLOGINRECORDSWHERELoginRecordId='1000001'; Note that in Oracle, theDATEdata type has a time component, hence the use oftrunc(). If you know thatLoginDatehas no time component, th...
Differences between DATE and TIMESTAMP in Oracle Date is used to store date and time values including month, day, year, century, hours, minutes and seconds. It fails to provide granularity and order of execution when finding difference between 2 instances (events) having a difference of less t...
Oracle SQL supports date arithmetic in which integers represent days and fractions represent the fractional component represented by hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, adding .5 to a date value results in a date and time combination 12 hours later than the initial value. Some examples of...
Is there any performance difference between CURSOR_SHARING=EXACT and CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE. Look at the wait events for this SQL_ID. select event, time_waited "time_waited(s)", case when time_waited = 0 then 0 else round(time_waited*100 / sum(time_waited) Over(), 2) end "percentage"...
used for date and times where a difference in time is of utmost importance, such that Oracle won't even let you compare like values. If you wanted to show the fractional seconds within a TIMESTAMP datatype, look at the 'FF3' to only showing 3 place holders for the fractional seconds. ...
For example, in Oracle the date-time format can be given as: TIMESTAMP ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF’ Using this we can define the timestamp to be:‘2006-01-02 15:04:05.999’ Couchbase N1QLsupports fractional seconds similar to Oracle. This is seen when using the format:...
Number difference in months. See Also: "oracle.sql.DATE" diffInMonths publicNUMBERdiffInMonths(DATEdate) Calculates the difference between two dates in months. Overrides theoracle.sql.DATEmethod of the same name to return aDateDomain object. ...
ORAMTS_SESS_TXNTIMETOLIVE: Specifies the time in seconds that the transaction can remain inactive after it has been detached or delisted from the database. Once this time expires, the transaction is automatically terminated by the provider. The default is 120 seconds. ...