Database , Schema级别trigger 针对表和视图的Triggers可能开发人员用的多.针对database,schema的Trigger一般是DBA用的多点. 比如创建trigger每当schema上有DDL操作时触发(针对表或视图的trigger只能针对DML操作,不能针对DDL操作). 举个简单的例子 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ddl_trigger AFTER DDL ON SCHEMA BEGIN inse...
Database , Schema级别trigger 针对表和视图的Triggers可能开发人员用的多.针对database,schema的Trigger一般是DBA用的多点. 比如创建trigger每当schema上有DDL操作时触发(针对表或视图的trigger只能针对DML操作,不能针对DDL操作). 举个简单的例子 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ddl_trigger AFTER DDL ON SCHEMA BEGIN inse...
Examples:SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER hr.testtrigger 2 AFTER CREATE ON SCHEMA -- on schema 作用范围只是在hr用户下create table等触发,其他用户则不会。若是on database则其他用户create table时会触发该触发器 3 BEGIN 4 -- 以下使用的是事件属性 ...
D. The data manipulation language (DML)triggers on the BOOKING table are executed because the shrink operation isinternally handled by the INSERT/DELETE operationAnswer: C12:检查下列命令:SQL> ALTER TABLE booking SHRINK SPACECOMPACT;当前面的命令执行时,会执行哪些活动?A.shrink 操作访问 BOOKING表中...
CREATE TRIGGER 遇到複寫使用者結構描述的權限問題 複寫使用者結構描述必須擁有設定 Oracle 發行者的<手動建立使用者結構描述>中所述的權限。 Oracle 錯誤 ORA-01000 將發行項新增至發行集的過程中,複寫使用「Oracle 發行者」的資料指標。 在此處理過程中,可能會超過「發行者」上可用資料指標的最大數目。 如果發生此...
CREATE ANY TRIGGER。 快照和事务复制都需要此权限。 CREATE TABLE CREATE VIEW 在SQL Server 分发服务器上安装和配置 Oracle 客户端网络软件 必须在 SQL Server 分发服务器上安装和配置 Oracle 客户端网络软件和 Oracle OLE DB 提供程序,这样分发服务器才能连接到 Oracle 发布服务器。 安装软件后,对安装软件的文件...
Referential integrity can also be enforced in Oracle using database triggers, instead of a separate query as in Transaction A above. For example, an INSERT into the child table can fire a BEFORE INSERT row-level trigger to check for the corresponding parent row. The trigger queries the ...
Database functions with non-scalar values Oracle Functions so they're not listed in the UI. When you invoke a stored procedure on an Oracle server, the following limitations apply: OUT parameters aren't supported. The return value isn't available because the stored procedure doesn't return any...
TheV$ASM_FILEviews'redundancy_loweredcolumn transitions from being unknown (U) to eitherYorNwhen the storage configuration of the diskgroup is changed. For example, when adding, dropping or resizing, the disks in the diskgroup will update all the files that are affected. The user can trigger the...
Truncate does not generate any rollback data hence, it cannot be roll backed. If any delete triggers are defined on the table. Then the triggers are not fired It deallocates free extents from the table. So that the free space can be use by other tables.Example...