EntityCommand ecmd=newEntityCommand(entity, CurrentDataBase);stringsql =ecmd.CreateTableCommand;//OracleClient 不能批量执行多条SQL语句string[] sqlArr = sql.Split(newstring[] {";--"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);foreach(stringiteminsqlArr) {if(item.Length >10)//去除回车行CurrentDataBas...
一,Oracle数据库安装包下载 1.从Oracle官网下载所需的数据库安装包【下载需要注册登录Oracle账户】 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index.html 2.此处有下载好的Oracle Database 11g Release 2 百度云网盘 提取码:ze2z;【此安装包下载即用】 二,Oracle数据库安装步骤 1...
SQL*Plus 18c can connect to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service. Network security is enforced by using an Oracle Wallet, which can be downloaded from the database service. 1. Download and Install SQL*Plus 18c Obtain SQL*Plus 18c Instant Client by downloading the 'sqlplus' and 'basi...
SQL*Plus 18c can connect to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service. Network security is enforced by using an Oracle Wallet, which can be downloaded from the database service. 1. Download and Install SQL*Plus 18c Obtain SQL*Plus 18c Instant Client by downloading the 'sqlplus' and 'basi...
この章では、このOracle Databaseリリース23cのマニュアルの変更内容について説明します。 新機能 この項では、SQL*Plusのリリースで導入された新機能を示します。 SQL*Plusリリース23c この項では、23cのSQL*Plusで導入された新機能について説明します。 新しいコマンドARGUMENTは、入力プロンプ...
Download the following Oracle Instant Client (OCI) packages for your operating system fromthe Oracle Instant Client Downloads page at oracle.com: Basic Package SQL*Plus Package JDBC Supplement Package Downloadoraclepki.jarfromOracle Database JDBC Driver & UCP Downloads page at oracle.com....
-s 'myID/myPW@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=DBServer)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xxx)))' THis yields 2 errors but does not prompt for password atleast: Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus SP2-0667: Message file sp1.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORA...
Happier, faster development & administration of your Oracle Database using SQL Developer, SQLcl, Data Modeler, & REST APIs - from a product manager named Jeff.
Download the Oracle18cdistribution to a directory on a target server's hard disk. Oracle18csoftware, consists of: Oracle Database18cServer Oracle Database18cClient Oracle Instant Client Basic Package (32-bit and 64-bit) Oracle Instant Client SQL*Plus (32-bit and 64-bit) ...
Database Backup, Recovery, and Restore are the most crucial tasks for a DBA, and backups are key to providing a secure database environment.