SQL> create table test ( name varchar2(4000) ); Table created. 如上所示,在Oracle Database中,VARCHAR2字段类型,最大值为4000,SQL参考手册中也明确指出VARCHAR2的最大大小为4000,注意此处的最大长度是指字节长度,而不是指字符个数。这个跟参数NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS有一定关系,如下所示,当参数NLS_LENGTH_SEM...
Within a single SQL statement, all LONG columns, updated tables, and locked tables must be located on the same database. LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be used in distributed SQL statements and cannot be replicated. If a table has both LONG and LOB columns, then you cannot bind more th...
0)Oracle data type to theboolEDM type. For example,Number(1,0), which is mapped toInt16by default, can be custom mapped to the .NETBoolor .NETBytetype. This example mapsNumber(3,0)tobyte, and sets the maximum precisions for theInt16, Int32,andInt64data types to 4, 9, and 18 ...
Column_nameNUMBER(*,scale),这个是:精度是38位,指定的scale是可以获得的。 当你指定数字的时候,同时制定规模和精度是件好事,可以在数据输入的时候进行更细致的检查。 下表显示的是:插入数字的信息和数字的格式设定作用之后的结果 内部数字格式 Oracle database存储数字以一个可变的长度,每一个值都存储在一个科学...
查看数据库视图所包含的数据类型:SELECT * FROM DBA_TYPES WHERE OWNER IS NULL.具体细节情况参见Oracle® DatabaseSQL Language Quick Reference 10/11g 或官方文档 一 字符串类型 字符串数据类型还可以依据存储空间分为固定长度类型(CHAR/NCHAR) 和可变长度类型(VARCHAR2/...
数字数据类型存储固定的和浮点型数字。实际上任何量级的数字都可以被存储,可以在不同的运行oracle database的操作系统上相互移植,最大精度可以到到38位。 下面的数字可以被存储在一个NUMBER的字段中: 1 x 10-130to9.99...9 x 10125范围的正数,最大精度可以到达38位 ...
IntegergetVendorTypeNumber() booleanisNationalCharacterSet() Does this type use the national character set? booleanisSupported() Does this driver support this database type? staticOracleTypetoOracleType(int oracleTypesConst) Returns the OracleType corresponding to the int constant defined in Oracle...
Number Datatype Number[(p[,s])] p - Precision(total number of digits) (1~38) s - Scale(number of digits to the right of decimal point) (-84~127) 1~21 bytes (see dump in Internal Numeric Format section) Fixed-pointNumber(p,s) ...
-g | --grant_object type : Extract privilege from the given object type. See possible values with GRANT_OBJECT configuration. -i | --input file : File containing Oracle PL/SQL code to convert with no Oracle database connection initiated. -j | --jobs num : Number of parallel process to...
We need an Oracle database to create a sample table and populate it with the necessary data: CREATETABLEsample_number_data_type(col1_number_int NUMBERNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,col2_number_decimal NUMBER,col3_number_high_decimal NUMBER,col4 NUMBER(5),col5 NUMBER(32),col6 NUMBER(12,2),col7 ...