docker run--restart=always --name oracle-19c \-p1521:1521-p5500:5500\-e ORACLE_SID=ORCLCDB \-e ORACLE_PDB=ORCLPDB1 \-e ORACLE_PWD=root \ oracle/database:19.3.0-ee # 查看日志 docker logs-f oracle-19c 选项说明 View Code 五、连接 docker exec -it oracle-19c bash sqlplus/as sysdb...
... The easiest way would be adding your sql file to the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ folder in the Dockerfile like this: ADD host/path/to/your/sql/your_sql_file.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
docker run -it --name oracle -p 1521:1521 scalified/oracle-database:<tag> Connecting to the Database Once the container has been started and the database created you can connect to it just like to any other database: sqlplus sys/<your password>@//localhost:1521/<your SID> as sysdba ...
bashrc -- 建库create database lhrdb COLLATE Chinese_PRC_BIN; GreenPlum数据库 可以快速体验GreenPlum和gpcc环境。 请参考: 其它数据库 Redis 请参考: 代码语言:javascript ...
在Docker中部署Oracle数据库,简化到只需要一个核心命令。 我将整个过程概括为3个环节: 第一步:准备安装程序 主要是 和 ,解压Docker的主体文件,然后将Oracle的安装文件加入到OracleDatabase/dockerfiles的相应目录下,准备工作就就绪了。
Parent topic:Accessing the Oracle Database Image on Docker Connecting to the Database from Within the Container You can connect to Oracle Database server by executing a SQL*Plus command from within the container To connect, use one of the following commands, wheredbnameis the database name,cdb...
假如出于学习目的,推荐安装Oracle Database 18c XE 和 21c XE,安装过程比较容易。而且不需要额外下载源文件 3. 运行 我这里我安装的是21c xe sudo ./ -v 21.3.0 -x -o '--build-arg SLIMMING=false' 4. 运行 docker run sudo docker run --name oracle21 -...
Running Oracle Database Enterprise and Standard Edition 2 in a Docker containerTo run your Oracle Database Docker image use the docker run command as follows:docker run --name <container name> \ -p <host port>:1521 -p <host port>:5500 \ -e ORACLE_SID=<your SID> \ -e ORACLE_PDB=<...
docker run --name oracle19c -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 -v /Users/alexzaballa/Downloads/Docker/oradata:/opt/oracle/oradata oracle/database:19.3.0-ee Final da criação do banco de dados: Como podemos observar não informamos nenhuma senha. Com isso, uma senha será gerada automaticame...
1.2 docker pull jaspeen/oracle-11g 2. download oracle 11g linux install file from oracle website and extract to <install_folder>, make sure under the <install_folder>, the extracted folder is "database". <install_folder>└─database