To protect both the listener and the database server, Oracle Corporation recommends setting this parameter in combination with theSQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUTparameter in the sqlnet.ora file. When specifying values for these parameters, consider the following recommendations: Set both parameters to an...
If you observe latency while working with the Oracle database, install the latest 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) on the gateway machine or each gateway machine, if the gateway is a cluster. If Oracle connection creation fails with a timeout, try using an Oracle credential with ...
If you observe latency while working with the Oracle database, install the latest 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) on the gateway machine or each gateway machine, if the gateway is a cluster. If Oracle connection creation fails with a timeout, try using an Oracle credential with ...
Gets the time to wait to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error.
Connection Lifetime Minimum life time (in seconds) of the connection. 0 Connection Timeout Minimum time (in seconds) to wait for a free connection from the pool. 15 ContextConnection Returns an implicit database connection if set totrue. ...
Connection Pool Timeout = 15; 4. 官方文档解释 Connection String Attribute Description Default Value Application Continuity Enables database requests to automatically replay transactional or non-transactional operations in a non-disruptive and rapid manner in the event of a severed database session, which...
Oracle Data Provider for .NETは、ユーザー名とパスワード、Windowsネイティブ認証、KerberosおよびTransport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layerなど様々な方法でOracle Databaseに接続できます。この項では、OracleConnectionプロバイダ固有の機能について説明します。内容は次のとおりです。
dbcp (Oracle)重新链接的问题 - Cause: java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket 1、问题 业务开发中使用dbcp做连接池,在一次oracle数据库重启后一直报错,老是出现这个Cause: java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket问题(my... 查看原文 SpringBoot+Mybatis项目运行报错 ...
abnormal client termination. If the probe finds a terminated connection, or a connection that is no longer in use, it returns an error, causing the server process to exit. This parameter is primarily intended for the database server, which typically handles multiple connections at any one time...
handed the connection to the database. This would indicate an issue with a firewall where a maximum idle time setting is in place. The connection would not necessarily be "idle". This issue can arise during a long running query or when using JDBC Thin connection pooling. ...