The first example shows the use of the backup command when you run it without options. This example backs up all of the mounted disk groups and creates the backup image in the current working directory. The second example creates a backup of disk group DATA and FRA. The backup that this ...
具体而言,脚本通过以 oracle 用户身份运行,设置相关环境变量,使用 SQL*Plus 连接到数据库,并执行 SQL 命令 alter database begin backup; 来启动数据库备份。脚本中的变量 orauser 和 orasid 分别指定了数据库用户和实例的标识符,以确保在适当的上下文中执行这些操作。整个过程采用了 Bash 的 Here Document 结构,...
Oracle will use Oracle Managed File (OMF) for the flash recovery area. The free space in recovery area can be checked using OEM: All Metrics -> Recovery Area, or query vflash_recovery_area_usage view. To get more free space, you can use the following command to backup and then delete ...
BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1 TAG 'soe_incr_backup' DATABASE FORMAT '/home/oracle/backup/soe_incr_backup_%s_%p_%T' PLUS ARCHIVELOG FORMAT '/home/oracle/backup/soe_arch_backup_%s_%p_%T' delete all input; DELETE NOPROMPT OBSOLETE; CROSSCHECK BACKUP; DELETE EXPIRED BACKUP; } [oracle@node01 ~...
Backup database keep forever; Backup database keep until time='sysdate+180'; 在第一条语句中,会永远保存备份,第二条语句中,只保存180天。 5.6 重写configure exclude 命令 通过执行configure exclude 命令可以配置RMAN,排除上一次备份以来没有发生变化的数据文件。 如果要确保RMAN 备份这些数据文件,可以在下面 ...
4.3 热备份数据库的脚本文件hotbackup.bat 5、使用export作为备份策略 5.1 export的命令选项说明 Oracle数据库的exp工具提供tables、users、full database、tablespace四种级别的导出方式,把指定的数据库内容导出到一个或者多个oracle二进制文件中,该文件只允许用imp工具来读取,imp的命令选项可用imp help=y来查阅。
Otherwise, Cloud Backup may call the rman command to delete the data that is backed up by other software by mistake. When you create a backup plan, select a proper backup vault to avoid backing up data from one database to different backup vaults. We recommend that you back up a data...
• Create incremental backups • Automate database backups • Manage backups 目标 完成本课程后,您应该能够: •创建一致的数据库备份 •在不关闭数据库的情况下备份数据库 •创建增量备份 •自动化数据库备份 •管理备份 Backup Solutions: Overview 备份解决方案:概述 备份与恢复 ...
RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name MAA are: CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 1 BACKUP TYPE TO BACKUPSET; # default – 表示默认为备份集备份 backup其实更正确的命令为backup as backupset。执行该命令的时候数据库必须在MOUNT或是OPEN状态,如果是OPEN状态,那么数据库必须运行于...
RMAN> set encryption off; executing command:SET encryption RMAN> backup datafile 7; Starting backup at 14-FEB-14 allocated channel:ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1:SID=117 device type=SBT_TAPE channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1:Oracle Database Backup Service Library channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1:...