Oracle Database 19c:RAC Administration Workshop课程将教您有关Oracle RAC数据库体系结构的知识。学会:安装和配置RAC、管理RAC数据库、升级并修补RAC数据库、管理RAC的备份和恢复、监控和调整RAC数据库、管理高可用性服务、实现连接和应用程序的高可用性等。 4、19...
Backup and Recovery Reference Database/ Oracle/ Oracle Database/ Release 19 Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Reference 19c E96242-11 August 2024 Previous Page Next Page
29 Making User-Managed Database Backups 30.2.1 About User-Managed Restore and Recovery
B对,C不对,根据官方文档,pdb也可以用Inconsistent Backups。 6、Which two are true about the automatic execution of operating system scripts when performing silent mode installation starting from Oracle Database 19c? A) The installer will prompt for the root or sudo password B) Silent install alway...
SELECTFLASHBACK_ONFROMV$DATABASE; 2.1 查询结果说明 如果查询结果为YES,表示数据库已启用闪回功能。 如果查询结果为NO,表示数据库未启用闪回功能。 3. 启用闪回功能 3.1 配置恢复区(Flash Recovery Area) 配置恢复区步骤 设置恢复区的大小: 在设置恢复区的路径之前,首先需要设置恢复区的大小。例如,将恢复区大小设...
the backup-pieces over network to standby and perform recovery on standby 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 主要是这种新特性来恢复备用数据库非常方便,一条命令即可搞定,相比之前的增量备份/还原要简单很多。 操作步骤: 取消redo应用(备用数据库) SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel; ...
See Also:Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User’s Guide Database instances Bnnn ASM Blocking Slave Process for GMON Performs maintenance actions on Oracle ASM disk groups Bnnnperforms actions that require waiting for resources on behalf of GMON. GMON must be highly available and cannot wait. ...
The backup and recovery of the Oracle Database 19c database on an Azure Linux VM are now finished. Delete the VM When you no longer need the VM, you can use the following command to remove the resource group, the VM, and all related resources: ...
Oracle Database 19c 技术架构(三) 11.数据库系统⽂件(Database System Files) 以下数据库系统⽂件在Oracle数据库操作期间使⽤,并位于数据库服务器上。请注意,数据⽂件是属于数据库容器的物理⽂件,在此不再描述。 •控制⽂件:控制⽂件是必需⽂件,⽤于存储有关数据⽂件和联机重做⽇志⽂...
Backup-Based Duplication Without a Target Database and Recovery Catalog Connection 这种方式不连接到target或catalog,而是连接到辅助实例使用目标主机的备份来执行复制。 总的来说 基于Active Database 基于BACKUP 对于Active database duplicate来说,在克隆数据库时不用对Source备份,这对于大数据特别是T级别的数据库来...