Oracle error occured,but error message could not be retrieved from oracle. Data type is not supported. Context: Error calling OpenRowset on the provider." Antares686 SSC Guru Points: 125444 More actions October 10, 2002 at 4:31 pm #438308 You will need to change instead to using the ...
EXP-00104: datatype (BINARY_DOUBLE) of column POC_DOUBLEVALUE in table PWCT_ADMIN.PO_COLLECTIONENTRY_1 is not supported, table will not be exported EXP-00104: datatype (BINARY_DOUBLE) of column POC_DOUBLEVALUE in table PWCT_ADMIN.PO_COLLECTIONENTRY_2 is not supported, table will not be ...
NUMBER Decimal OracleNumber Using the .NET Framework data type can cause an overflow. NVARCHAR2 String OracleString RAW Byte[] OracleBinary REF CURSOR The Oracle REF CURSOR data type is not supported by the OracleDataReader object. ROWID String OracleString TIMESTAMP DateTime OracleDateTime ...
DRG-12305 column string data type is not supported for index set columns Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column in the column list of an index of an index set which does not have a valid datatype. Action: Use only DATE, NUMBER, CHAR, or VARCHAR2 columns in index column lists...
DRG-12305 column string data type is not supported for index set columns Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column in the column list of an index of an index set which does not have a valid datatype. Action: Use only DATE, NUMBER, CHAR, or VARCHAR2 columns in index column lis...
ORA-17173Not all return parameters registered并非所有返回参数都已注册。 ORA-17174The only supported namespace is CLIENTCONTEXT唯一受支持的名称空间是CLIENTCONTEXT。 ORA-17175Error during remote ONS configuration配置远程 ONS 期间出错。 ORA-17259SQLXML cannot find the XML support jar file in the classpa...
1.7 XML data types XMLType issupported. Limitations of support (1)The source and target objects thatcontain the XML must be identical. Filtering and manipulation are notsupported. However, you can map the XML representation of an object to acharacter column by means of a COLMAP clause in a ...
System.NotSupportedException:Unsupported Oracle data type USERDEFINED encountered 原来是由于web service调用的oracle数据库的表结构中有oracle spatial字段,所以不能正确返回。 解决问题思路:纵向分解,横向对比。 通过与访问其他具有简单字段的表对比得出的结论。
string is not supported Cause: Export does not support the referenced datatype. Action: Retry with an acceptable datatype (CHAR, NUMBER, DATE, LONG, or RAW). EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type 'EXP HELP=Y' for help Cause: Invalid command-line parameters were specified. ...
SQL Server 2014 Standard - duplicate (do not use) 症状 当使用 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 或 SQL Server 2014 中的 OLE DB 访问接口从 Oracle 链接服务器中执行查询以选择数据时,查询结果中的 "数字类型" 列中的值可能会被截断。 原因 出现此问题的原因是,具有非声明精度/小数位数的 Ora...