如果您已经拥有商业许可证,请在此处下载您的软件。 下载软件 试用OCI 免费套餐 免费在 Oracle 云上构建、测试和部署卓越应用。 免费试用 My Oracle Support 搜索我们的知识库并参与社区学习。 登录以获得支持 开发人员下载 所有软件均可免费下载,且大多自带一个开发人员许可,支持您免费使用产品的完整版本来开发和构建...
There are two downloads available for Windows users. Windows 64-bit with JDK 17 Included This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 17 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the top directory. The ...
SQL Developer Data Modeler allows you to create, browse and edit, logical, relational, physical, multi-dimensional, and data type models. P6 users can download SQL Developer Data Modeler and use it to:View the P6 Extended Schema's DMD (Data Model Definition). Display P6 Extended Schema view...
Create Big Data SQL-enabled Tables Using Oracle Data Modeler Oracle Data Modeler automates the definition of Big Data SQL-enabled external tables. Let's create a few tables using the metadata from the Hive Metastore. Invoke the import wizard by selecting theFile->Import->Data Modeler->...
Blog 地址:http://sueharper.blogspot.com/ Download地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/datamodeler/overview/index.html 不错的正向,反向工程建模工具. From Sue Blog: 12 October 2010 SQL Developer Data Modeler 3.0 - Early Adopter Release ...
SQL Developer 和 SQL Developer Data Modeler 需要另外下载 SQL Developer :http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html SQL Developer Data Modeler :http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/datamodeler/downloads/index.html ...
Database Tools Log onto the Business Modeler as described in “Logging onto the Business Modeler”. Click Tools > Database > Create Table. In the Table Name field, type a name for the new table. In the Column Name field, enter the name of a column in the new table....
SQL Developer 和 SQL Developer Data Modeler 需要另外下载 SQL Developer :http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html SQL Developer Data Modeler :http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/datamodeler/downloads/index.html ...
Level需要通过Business Modeler工具来定义,定义Level的名称,Level的类型,Level对应的数据表,相关的主键字段,说明字段,各Level之间的层次关系,等等。 在Business Modeler中有两个地方可以定义Level,一个是通过Data Model来定义,另一个是通过Configure Level来定义。
在使用某些Demantra的客户端程序时(比如Business Modeler),还需要安装Oracle 数据库 32位客户端,在安装64位数据库时自带的是64位的客户端,使用时会报错,所以必须安装32位客户端。(来自2021年的注释:这里就暂且不输出这些细节了,这一篇的篇幅已经不小了,如果有朋友需要,可以评论里见) ...