(2). For UNIFORM extent management, the number of extents is determined from initial segment size and the uniform extent size specified at tablespace creation time. For example, in a uniform locally managed tablespace with 1M extents, if you specify an INITIAL value of 5M, then Oracle creates ...
create tablespace jf_data datafile '/opt/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/iptvbss/jfdata.dbf' size 1000M autoextend on next 500M maxsize unlimited; create tablespace jf_index datafile '/opt/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/iptvbss/jfindex.dbf' size 1000M autoextend on next 500M maxsize unlimited;...
Use your current SYSTEM and SYS passwords, and also your actual default and temporary tablespace names. The passwords for the new HR, OE, PM, IX, SH and BI users will be set to the values you specify. Using a connect string permits connections to non-container databases and pluggable data...
Use the INTERVAL caluse in the CREATE TABLE statement to create an interval-partitioned table. 在建表语句中使用INTERVAL关键字创建Interval 分区 Specify at least one range partition using the partition clause, before specifying your interval partitions. 创建Interval 分区最少使用存在一个范围分区 The par...
specifytemporary tablespacefor HR as parameter 3: specifylog pathas parameter 4: ... SYS@CDBLHR> select count(1) from dba_tables where owner='HR'; COUNT(1) --- 7 CDB 和 PDB 中重建 scott 用户 scott 用户的创建在所有版本的数据库中都没有变化。 sqlplus / as sysdba...
系统权限 CREATE TABLESPACE 创建表空间的权限。 系统权限 ALTER TABLESPACE 修改表空间的权限。 系统权限 DROP TABLESPACE 删除表空间的权限。 系统权限 SHOW PROCESS 查看所有用户线程的权限。 系统权限 ALTER SYSTEM 修改服务器设置的权限。 系统权限 CREATE DATABASE LINK 创建数据库链接的权限。 系统权限 CREATE PUBL...
lower-case-table-names = 1 OGG 复制进程需要该参数设置为 1,tidb 中修改此参数并未产生实际效果变化,仅为实现兼容。 5. OGG 同步要求 DDL 建表语句需提前转换,并在目标端执行。 如下表的示例: 源端Oracle create table account ( account_number number(10,0), account_balance decimal(38,2), account_...
03217,00000,"invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE"// *Cause: invalid option for alter of temporary tablespace was specified// *Action: Specify one of the valid options: ADD TEMPFILE,// TEMPFILE ONLINE, TEMPFILE OFFLINE (2) 第2条"...
Oracle create tablespace语法详解 CREATE [UNDO] TABLESPACE tablespace_name [DATAFILE datefile_spec1 [,datefile_spec2] ... [{MININUM EXTENT integer [k|m] |BLOCKSIZE integer [k] |logging clause | FORCE LOGGING |DEFAULT {data_segment_compression} storage_clause |[online|offlin...