When creating a Boolean data column, you should be careful to make sure that the column is properly "nullable." If a column with two possible values isn't constrained with NOT NULL, then you're allowing three possible values:true,false, andunknown. This is often not what is intended and ...
create table 表名(column1 datetype(len)[约束][默认值], (column2 datetype(len)[约束][默认值], (column3 datetype(len)[约束][默认值],...) [as 子查询] 1-1)创建emp_high表,此表用于保存每个部门最高薪资的员工id,姓名,工资,入职时间,岗位 SQL->create table emp_high(employee_id number(6...
一、oracle本身没有boolean类型,就是说跟数据库相关的类型中不包括boolean,一般采用number(1)和char(1)来实现。 所以”You cannot insert the values TRUE and FALSE into a database column. Also, you cannot select or fetch column values into a BOOLEAN variable.“ plsql为了实现结构化编程,支持了boolean...
创建索引 CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name[,column_name…]) 语法解析: UNIQUE:指定索引列上的值必须是唯一的。称为唯一索引。 index_name:指定索引名。 tabl_name:指定要为哪个表创建索引。 column_name:指定要对哪个列创建索引。我们也可以对多列创建索引;这种索引称为组合索引。
V_TABLE_TYPE VARCHAR2(50); V_START_DATE VARCHAR2(50); V_END_DATE VARCHAR2(50); V_DAY VARCHAR2(50); BEGIN select column_name into V_TABLE_DATE from user_tab_columns where table_name=''||V_TABLE||'' and column_id=1; select column_name into V_TABLE_TYPE from user_tab_columns...
For fine-grained auditing, you can query the AUDIT_TRAIL column of the DBA_AUDIT_ POLICIES data dictionary view to find the audit trail types that are set for the fine-grained audit policies on the database. For more information, see Oracle Database Security Guide. Table 1–1 describes ...
TABLE_NAMEString資料表的名稱。 TYPEString資料表的類型。 使用者 ColumnNameDataType描述 NAMEString使用者名稱。 識別碼Decimal使用者的識別碼。 CREATEDATEDatetime使用者建立日期。 檢視 ColumnNameDataType描述 OWNERString檢視表的擁有人。 VIEW_NAMEString檢視表名稱。
PROCEDURE copy_table_dependents(uname IN VARCHAR2, orig_table IN VARCHAR2, int_table IN VARCHAR2, copy_indexes IN PLS_INTEGER := 1, copy_triggers IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, copy_constraints IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, copy_privileges IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, ignore_errors IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, num_errors...
SQL column names (or aliases) are used for the table column headers. String getResultAsXMLString(String)--Input a string with the SELECT statement. This method returns the result set as an XML string, using SQL names (or aliases) for the XML tags. ...
create table <table_name> ( <column1> <data type>, <column2> <data type>, <column3> <data type>, ... );So to create a table called toys, with the columns toy_name, weight, and colour, run:Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard Erro...