4.出现报错:Could not locate OCI dll 查找原因:安装完后Oracle的 oci.dll 是64位的,而32位应用程序 PLSQL Developer 无法加载,或者相反。 解决办法:找到oci.dll文件地址,将其填入oci library位置(我的是E:\Oracle\PLSQL Developer 14\instantclient_12_1\oci.dll) 注意不是文件夹的位置,第一次填的文件夹的...
Could not locate OCI dll OracleHomeKey:SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient10g_home3 OracleHomeDir:D:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_1 很多人说的解决办法: 1、缺少oci.dll。我的没有缺少该文件; 2、打开PL/SQL Developer--》Tools--》Preferences即图一画面,然后在图2画面中把Oracle home以及oci.dll的路径配...
Could not locate OCI dllOracleHomeKey: SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraOdac11g_home1OracleHomeDir: C:\app\david.g.smith\product\11.1.0\client_1I know I can recompile them, or pass OCIDLL="d:\oracle\ora92\bin\oci.dll" on the command line. Is there another option, something that doesn't ...
敲黑板:PL/SQL安装问题 Could not initializeoci.dll Plsql Developer连接Oracle时出现Could not initializeoci.dll解决方案 PL/SQl安装 oci.dll SQL 客户端 ci 原创 HezhezhiyuLe 2023-01-14 09:32:45 901阅读 Navicat fororaclecannot loadOCIDLL
There is an entry about an error “Could not locate OCI DLL” during installation but that’s a different error message and different operation. Using SQL*Plus, I can connect to and use the db with no issues. I see in asktoad that “Toad is supported on Windows NT 4.0, 2000,...
13、oracle默认日期格式为: 22-11月-1988 添加时采用to_date(‘1988-11-22’,yyyy-mm-dd)等方式 分享到: Could not locate OCI dll .|Android多媒体开发(2)———使用Andr ... 2012-04-28 10:02 浏览792 评论(0) 查看更多 发表评论 您还没有登录,请您登录后再发表评论...
I get the Initialization error "Could not locate OCI dll" while trying to connect to Oracle database. What should I do? Solution: Make sure that "<OracleHome>\bin" folder is in PATH, and that some version of oraxy.dll, e.g., ora71.dll, ora72.dll, etc. exists in that folder or...
The error could occur for several reasons:The wrong ORACLE_HOME is set up in your registry. If this is the case, use the Oracle Installer to configure your environment. The interactive user does not have the proper permission to access the Oracle HOME directory and its files. If this is ...
1、本机PL/SQL连接数据库出现initialization error could not locate OCI dll的错误,详见initialization error could not locate OCI dll 2、VS2010 数据库连接项多了一个“Oracle数据库”,测试连接时出现"ORA-12154"的错误,详见ODAC for Beta_EntityFramework ...
In the Edit System Variable dialog box: if the path to the folder that contains sqlplus.exe is not present in the Variable value text box, edit the string to include it. Click OK on each open dialog box to exit and save changes. If you cannot locate sqlplus.exe on the Distributor, in...