您可以使用TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP, 'tzr')查询数据库服务器操作系统的时区 试试这个:
java.time.OffsetDateTime offsetDateTimeValue(Connection conn) Calls toOffsetDateTime(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java OffsetDateTime. String stringValue(Connection conn) Calls toString(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java String. ...
3、current_timestamp()以timestamp with time zone数据类型返回当前会放时区中的当前日期 timestamp_with_time_zone_value:=current_timestamp([timestamp_precision]) SQL> column sessiontimezone for a15 SQL> column current_timestamp format a36 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_timestamp from dual; SES...
net/blogs/convert-number-into-words-oracle-sql-query/ select to_char (to_date (1526, 'j'), 'jsp') from dual; -- 输出:one thousand five hundred twenty-six -- 39、在包的源代码中查询字符串 -- 这个查询语句会在所有包的源代码上搜索‘FOO_SOMETHING’ ,可以帮助用户在源代码中查找特定的存储...
a The TO_* datetime functions are TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, TO_TIMESTAMP, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ, TO_YMINTERVAL, and TO_DSINTERVAL. Oracle returns an error if an alphanumeric character is found in the date string where punctuation character is found in the format string. For example: TO_CHAR (TO...
java.sql.TimestamptimestampValue(java.util.Calendar cal) Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle Date and Calendar to a Java Timestamp. java.sql.TimetimeValue() Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle Date to a Java Time. staticTIMESTAMPTimeZoneConvert(java.sql.Connection conn,TIMESTAMPtst...
Oracle uses this function to convert a DATE or TIMESTAMP value to a string for presentation. Here is an example using today's date, contained in thecurrent_timestampvariable. Figure 3: The TO_CHAR Function. select TO_CHAR(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFF') ...
If you SELECT a DATE type, Oracle automatically converts it to readable string, but this is not how the value is actually been stored.Selecting the current system time using SYSDATE, which returns a value of type DATE and is the current date and time set for the operating system on which...
This release contains support for the TO_TIMESTAMP SQL function. TO_TIMESTAMP is a datetime function that converts a CHAR or VARCHAR2 data type to a value of TIMESTAMP data type. This release contains support for the ACCESSIBLE BY clause. You can use the ACCESSIBLE BY clause in the CREATE...
unix_timestamp(timestamptz) from_unixtime(int8) from_unixtime(numeric) from_unixtime(numeric,text) to_days(timestamp) to_days(timestamptz) to_days(text) to_days(text,text) to_days(int8) to_seconds(timestamp) to_seconds(timestamptz) timediff(timestamptz,timestamptz) time_to_sec(time...