In most places in the Oracle documentation, the two terms are used interchangeably, with the notable exception of the foreign key constraint, which is discussed later in this chapter. Four different types of index structures, which are described in the following sections, are used in Oracle: ...
The attempt in the last INSERT statement to insert an employee with a department_id that does not exist in the department’s table will result in an error owing to the FOREIGN KEY constraint. Note: Error: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed To avoid a FOREIGN KEY constraint Error, replace 1003 wi...
owner name 约束的拥有者 constraint_schema name constraint_name name 约束名字 constraint_type text 索引类型 table_schema name table_name name 约束所在的表的名字 r_owner name 被引用约束的拥有者 r_constraint_schema name r_constraint_name name 被引用约束的名字 delete_rule text 外键约束的级联删除...
Gets the IDs of the columns referenced by this Constraint. setColumnIDs public void setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] ids) Sets the IDs of the columns referenced by this Constraint. isConstrained public static boolean isConstrained(Column col, java.lang.String... constraintTypes) Tests whether the gi...
Error message 907 (Unique constraint violation) is improved to include column names and values. The sb_ErrOcDupKey error msg is improved to contain the column name and value of the row causing a load or autorefresh failure. 1.21.3 Bug fixes A problem is fixed where performance would slow ...
家庭的户主名字) (一个家庭里面小孩子的名字) (5)SYS用户 SYS用户是Oracle中的超级用户,...
EXCLUDE Exclude specific objecttypes, e.g. EXCLUDE=TABLE:EMP. IMPDP导入时忽略索引可以使用类似如下参数: EXCLUDE=CONSTRAINTEXCLUDE=INDEX 如果导入时遇到如下错误,就需要调整REMAP_SCHEMA参数: ORA-39146: schema "SMS_MT" does not exist 遇到如下错误,那就需要制定REMAP_TABLESPACE参数: ORA-00959: tablespace ...
constraintType X defaultRowState X deletable X domain X enabled X groups X X hasConstraintViolation X hasError X X X X insertable X messages X X queryable X required X sortable X updatable X X visible X X XSteps to EnableThe...
impdp directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR logfile=tts_imp_2.lognetwork_link=xttlink schemas= 'XTTS' content=metadata_only exclude=index,table,constraint,statistics 重新在目标端搜集统计信息 execDBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(ownname=>'XTTS',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>5,method_opt=>'forall columns size 1'...
ADD CONSTRAINT emp_view_unq UNIQUE (first_name) DISABLE NOVALIDATE; Primary key: Today we can get primary key constraints defined directly upon the view. CREATE VIEW Emp_view (id PRIMARY KEY DISABLE NOVALIDATE, firstname) AS SELECT employee_id, first_name ...