Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/localhost/listener/alert/log.xml Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))) Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lo...
Oracle Connect to an idle instance 意思是数据库没有启动。
Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ``` 其中,`startup`命令会默认尝试以标准方式启动数据库。 ### 关闭数据库 关闭数据库同样可以通过不同的方式实现。 1. **以oracle用户身份关闭:** ```bash ... orcale常用命令 Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup^C SQL> startup...
Connected to an idle instance.2.连接到空闲实例,可能是数据库监听未启动,或者数据库未启动,先启监听,再启数据库。先查看监听状态 [oracle@localhost ~]$ lsnrctl status LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 01-JUL-2019 09:15:55 Copyright (c) 1991, 2011, Oracle. All rights...
因root用户因不在dba组,显示权限不足,结果是正常的,但Oracle用户应该可以使用sysdba的身份登陆到数据库中,但却 显示:“Connected to an idle instance. ” ,即不能登陆到数据库中。但从操作系统中查看,使用网络连接方式,却可以连接。排除了tnsnames.ora配置错误,问题比较奇怪。
Connected to an idle instance. 解决办法: 1、进入到sqlplus启动实例 [root@oracle ~]#su - oracle--1.确认切换到oracle用户 Last login: Tue Sep 17 23:40:50 CST 2019 on pts/0 [oracle@oracle ~]$lsnrctl start--2.打开监听 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 02-SEP-2019...
oracle启动时报Connected to an idle instance.0 版本11g,windows下连接oracle时,报错步骤如下: 1、sysdba连接 sqlplus / as sysdba 2、提示 Connected to an idle instance. 3、按照网上操作 startup 4、启动出错 ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENE ORA-00132: syntax ...
SYS@cdbp1> alter session set container=pdby; create tablespace bench_tbs datafile size 100m autoextend on next 100m; create user benchmarksql identified by bench2024 default tablespace bench_tbs; grant connect,resource to benchmarksql; alter user benchmarksql quota unlimited on bench_tbs; VM652...
to '||grantee||';' from dba_role_privs where grantee in (SELECT granted_role FROM dba_role_privs where grantee in ('ENTSERVICE') and granted_role not in ('ADM_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_TASK' ,'APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE' ,'AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE' ,'AQ_USER_ROLE' ,'AUTHENTICATEDUSER' ,'CONNECT' ...
SQL> connect /as sysdba Connected to an idle instance. SQL> shutdwon abort; 3、启动监听器 oracle@suse92:~> lsnrctl start 4、停止监听器 oracle@suse92:~> lsnrctl stop 5、查看监听器状态 lsnrctl">oracle@suse92:~>lsnrctl ...