对于系统用户对象,编译的时候可能会存在编译失败的情况,如: SQL>alterPACKAGE SYSTEM.DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH compile BODY; Warning: Package Body alteredwithcompilation errors. 报错后,我们可以紧接着通过show errors获取详细的失败信息: SQL>show errors; ErrorsforPROCEDUREGRANT_OBJECTS_RIGHT_SQL: LINE/COL ERROR--- ...
create [or replace] package body包名 {is|as} 私有变量定义 私有类型定义 私有游标定义 私有异常定义 函数定义 过程定义 end; 包的其他操作命令包括: 删除包头: drop package包头名 删除包体: drop package body包体名 重新编译包头: alter package包名 compile package 重新编译包体: alter package包名 compile pa...
Do not show any compile error or compile log when I save&persist the package. Compile always success. Steps to reproduce, if exist: ~5.3.4 is OK 5.3.5&6.0.0 juhyeon-cha, mastachaos, rbrianhazzard, daddy32, paulverbeke, and ayevee reacted with thumbs up emoji ...
ALTER PACKAGE my_package COMPILE BODY; ALTER PROCEDURE my_procedure COMPILE; ALTER FUNCTION my_function COMPILE; ALTER TRIGGER my_trigger COMPILE; ALTER VIEW my_view COMPILE; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 也可以生成重编译的批量脚本后一起执行: SELECT 'ALTER '||OBJECT_TYPE||' '||OBJECT_NAME ||'...
alter package MYPKG compilebody plsql_code_type=native reuse settings Thereuse settingsclause above indicates that the compiler should preserve all the prior settings for the unit, except for the ones which have been explicitly overridden (such as the setting forplsql_code_typesetting in the exampl...
<VIEW_NAME> COMPILE; ALTER TRIGGER <SCHEMA).<TRIGGER_NAME> COMPILE; --查看是否有编译错误 show errors PL/SQL生成脚本编译所有无效用户对象 例1: 代码语言:javascript 复制 --编译所有无效PROCEDURE对象BEGIN FOR cur IN ( SELECT object_name ,object_type FROM dba_objects WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE...
compile the code here... 原生编译所需时间比解释编译长,但由于目前在 Oracle Database 11g 中执行进程的速度非常快,因此影响不是很明显。您可能希望在常规开发周期中使用解释编译模式,而在开发结束时使用原生编译模式,这通常是一个很好的做法。 作为11g移植的一部分,我用关键任务应用程序中的实际代码(一个相当大...
SQL> alter session set plsql_ccflags='apex_enable_common_user:true'; SQL> alter package sys.wwv_dbms_sql_apex_200200 compile body;4.1.5 Render File Browse item as a Drop Zone The File Browse item type contains new attributes such as Display As which does enables File Browse to render...
It defines the JML tag library (in this case, the compile-time implementation) for the globals.jsa file, as well as for all subsequent pages. By including the taglib directive in the globals.jsa file, the directive does not have to be included in any of the individual JSP pages of ...
You can force Oracle to compile again the invalidated code to get a chance to have it obtain the valid status and then be able to export it. Enable this directive to force Oracle to compile schema before exporting code. When this directive is enabled and SCHEMA is set to a specific ...