The AD utilities have similar interfaces, operation, input, and report formats. Many also share the ability to accept arguments, flags, and options, which you can use to refine the actions they perform. You add the argument on the command line when you start the utility. For example, to s...
For any Oracle Healthcare command-line utility, by default, the ANT run showsBUILD SUCCESSFULand system code0(zero) is returned even in the case of client or server side error. In case you want the ANT run to FAIL for each client or server side error, then you must setexitonerrorparame...
FUSE Mounting of Virtual Disk Images:vboximg-mountis a new command line utility for Mac OS X hosts that provides raw access to an Oracle VM VirtualBox virtual disk image. Improved Integration with Microsoft Hyper-V:Oracle VM VirtualBox can now be used on a Windows host where Hyper-V is r...
Save time with our REST API or a command line utility to script automated integrations with consuming applications. Invoke APIs from your favorite integration cloud, data movement utility, or business process orchestration tool. Audit data and metadata changes ...
Running this JAR brings up the "iText Toolbox" Human Machine Interface (HMI), which can be used to convert text or TIFF images to PDF and provides additional utility functionality. This example does not use this HMI but instead employs iText as a library and uses that library to convert a...
DBCLI is a portable database command line utility, for DBA or application support to easily manage and run their common used scripts, similar to database built-in CLI tools but is more flexible. It is mainly developed by Lua language, and bridges to JDBC to access database, many of the...
If after completing these steps you still experience functional issues, you can use the SQLPLUS Oracle utility to connect to the database in order to confirm that the client was installed properly. The following screen capture shows both Oracle clients installed on a computer running a 64-bit ed...
If after completing these steps you still experience functional issues, you can use the SQLPLUS Oracle utility to connect to the database in order to confirm that the client was installed properly. The following screen capture shows both Oracle clients installed on a computer running a 64-bit ed...
(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = TESTDG))) OK (80 msec) [LHRAXXTDB1:oracle]:/oracle>tnsping TNS_DGPRI TNS Ping Utility for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 17-FEB-2016 17:50:09 Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle...
11.1 ESXTOP/rESXTOP The resxtop and esxtop command-line utilities provide a detailed look at how ESX / ESXi uses resources in real time. We can start either utility in one of three modes: interactive (default), batch, or replay. The fundamental difference between resx...