很多小伙伴在申请Oracle Cloud甲骨文永久免费云主机时刚开始都比较顺利,其实按搬主题推荐的方法《2021年最新申请Oracle Cloud甲骨文永久免费云主机图文教程 附申请注意事项》基本都是比较稳的,但是还是有不少小伙伴卡在了最后一步,也就是点击验证信用卡扣费时出现“处理交易时出错”的提示,然后无法勾选进入下一步的情...
• Oracle Cloud http://cloud.oracle.com • Administering Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse • Using Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse • Visualizing Data and Building Reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document. Convention boldface italic ...
An enterprise project you would like to use to centrally manage your cloud resources and members. Select an enterprise project from the drop-down list. The default project isdefault. For more information about enterprise project, seeEnterprise Management User Guide. ...
Cloud Studio代码运行 1SYS@oraLHR12>SELECT*FROMLHR.LHRBOKBALFORUPDATE;2select*fromLHR.LHRBOKBALforupdate3*4ERROR at line1:5ORA-01591:lock held byin-doubt distributed transaction20.13.147216SYS@oraLHR12>SELECTCOUNT(1)FROMLHR.LHRBOKBAL;7COUNT(1)8---930998411 系统没有像一般阻塞那样等待,而是报...
VPN or Direct Connect is suitable for data synchronization from on-premises databases to cloud databases, or between databases across regions on the cloud using a VPN, Direct Connect, Cloud Connect, VPCEP, or a VPC peering connection. Source DB Instance The distributed GaussDB instance you created...
ORA-02191: 正确的语法是 ET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT <rbs> ORA-02192: 回退段存储子句不允许 PCTINCREASE ORA-02194: 事件说明语法错误 (非致命错误 ) 接近 ” ORA-02195: 尝试创建的对象在表空间中 ORA-02196: 已经指定 PERMANENT/TEMPORARY 选项 ...
Connect to Cloud Shell. Create a new Amazon S3 connection using the following CLI sample: oci goldengate connection create-amazon-s3-connection --routing-method SHARED_SERVICE_ENDPOINT --display-name <connection_name> --compartment-id <compartment_ocid> --technology-type AMAZON_S3 --access-key-...
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Transaction-backed-out 由于发生死锁事务被撤消 ORA-1001 Invalid-CURSOR 试图使用一个无效的游标 ORA-1012 Not-logged-on 没有连接到ORACLE ORA-1017 Login-denied 无效的用户名/口令 ORA-1403 No_data_found SELECT INTO没有找到数据 ORA-1422 Too_many_rows ...
Oracle Database 23ai on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer Oracle Database 23ai is a regular production release available on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer (ExaDB-C@C). With this release, you can perform all the lifecycle operations on the 23ai databases. ...