Develop your Cloud PLM skills Oracle University provides you with free training and certification to ensure your organization’s success, delivered in your choice of formats. Cloud SCM training and certification Oracle Guided Learning Support My Oracle Support ...
Oracle Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) 您的产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 软件能否帮助您快速设计和发布新产品?Oracle Fusion Cloud PLM 是一个协作平台,可为创新、开发和商业化产品及服务建立标准化、结构化的数据和流程,帮助您更快地将出色的创意推向市场。
costs because they don’t have the necessary automation and controls around their requirements management processes.Oracle offers a unique enterprise requirements management solution that is embedded within Oracle PLM Cloud, and is designed to define, manage, verify and validate requirements lifecycle ...
如果您是新 OracleAgile PLM客戶的淨值,建議您直接上線Agile PLM雲端以快速返回創新。 您可以在Oracle Cloud上手動部署Agile PLM,或如果您的Agile PLM9.3.6 已在 Oracle Linux 6 與 7 上執行,則可運用預先建立的影像與自動化。Agile PLM9.3.6 及其他在認證的軟體上執行的版本皆已通過在Oracle Cloud Infrastructure...
oracle顾问15-22K 深圳南山区科技园3-5年大专 1、日语N1水准/英语六级水准/其它语种无障碍交流水准 2、规定年限内ORACLE应用实施经验 3、有3个全模块项目实施经验 4、精通2模块以上并曾任领域 亿达信息 计算机软件不需要融资1000-9999人 oracle顾问15-25K ...
Cloud Sales Rep 【北京-呼家楼】 75-80k 10年以上本科带薪年假弹性工作绩效奖金五险一金 Oracle甲骨文 计算机软件不需要融资10000人以上 田女士 高级首席招聘经理 架构运维岗 【北京-亦庄】 25-30k 经验不限大专五险一金带薪年假节日礼物定期体检 国科恒泰 ...
岗位职责: 1. 负责业务部门需求信息收集/分析/业务流程梳理并提供解决方案,参与需求变更管理,项目跟踪及系统版本管理; 2. 根据集团IT整体规划,负责完成ERP供应链模块相关的需求评估、蓝图确定、系统实现、上线切换、运维支持等工作; 3. 负责评估包括ERP/MES/PLM等核心业务系统技术对接方案,并将其落地至开发组进行实施...
DriveWorksOracle Fusion Cloud PLM Likelihood to Recommend DriveWorks I would recommend DriveWorks to a college if they have similar needs to those I am personally experiencing at my university. Above all, I would not recommend it if the user needs to allow simultaneous access to a very high numb...
“GoSaaS is a top-notch Oracle PLM implementer that is laser-focused on PLM. This is crucial to our vision of delivering End-to-End Oracle Cloud solutions to our customers. We are pleased to welcome GoSaaS to the Trinamix team and look forward to delivering a significant impact ...
(PLMI) Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. So, regardless of where you are in the world, STNG is available to fuel your AI data generation needs, ensuring that AI research and innovation can flourish. Further, PMLI is usingbare metal GPU computefrom Oracle Cloud Infrastructure...