* 提供商业 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 服务的区域一般上也会提供免费套餐。有关详细的服务可用性,请参阅数据区域页面(在注册过程中,支持免费套餐的确切区域可能有所不同)。价值 300 美元的云储值仅在特定国家/地区可用,有效期为 30 天。在 30 天的促销期间,云技术储值的使用可能会受折扣价影响。
Superior performance for the cost:Cloud computing can lead to higher performance for lower TCO by automating and streamlining operations, scaling, and optimizing resources to match demand. This has been true for carmakerMazda, which migrated its global inventory management system to the cloud to impro...
保存机密令牌。 将在 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console 应用程序的“预配”选项卡中将此值输入“机密令牌”字段。步骤3:从 Microsoft Entra 应用程序库添加 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console从Microsoft Entra 应用程序库添加 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console,开始管理到 Oracle Cloud Infrastructu...
This certification comes under theCloud Recertification policy An Oracle Cost Management 2023 Certified Implementation Professional has demonstrated the knowledge required to manage landed costs, manage subledger accounting, manage cost scenarios, and configure costing methods and Project Enabled Supply Chain. ...
Deployment of Oracle solutions in Azure is based on a bring-your-own-license model. This model assumes that you have licenses to use Oracle software and that you have a current support agreement in place with Oracle. Microsoft Azure is an authorized cloud environment for running Oracle Database...
They will also be able to use their existing Oracle Database license benefits including Bring Your Own License and the Oracle Support Rewards program. “As we continue our digital transformation through innovation and technology, interoperability across ...
在Add a cloud integration向导中,选择Oracle Cloud Infrastructure作为集成类型。点击Next。 输入您的集成名称并点Next。 在Select application步骤中,选择Cost management。点击Next。 1.2. 收集并存储您的全局比较 复制链接 通过收集全局比较(也称为 Microsoft Azure 中的租户ID)来继续添加...
12c Cloud Control to manage your estate. This service is an essential first step for managing assets within your environment in order to efficiently manage and monitor the complexities that comes with monitoring your environment. This service will enable you to deliver greater agility, reduced cost,...
Use the Usage API to view your Oracle Cloud usage and costs. The API allows you to request data that meets the specified filter criteria, and to group that data by the chosen dimension. The Usage API is used by Cost Analysis, Scheduled Reports, and Carbon Emissions Analysis in the Console...
您可以使用SQL命令行界面或Oracle Data Guard代理接口管理主数据库和备用数据库。 代理提供了集成在Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control中的命令行界面(DGMGRL)和图形用户界面。 1.1.1 Primary Database An Oracle Data Guard configuration contains one production database, also referred to as the primary data...