Action: Verify the user provisioning and product registration in Shared Services. The named role will not be used by Workspace. Level: 1 Type: ERROR EPMWKSP-01302: Exception while checking user roles Cause: Workspace was unable to check a user's provisioned roles. Action: Check the Wor...
Access to data is based on user roles. Account administrators can create custom user roles in their Identity Domain and those roles can be used to assign read-only or read/write privileges to containers. Service administrators can also set containers to be publicly readable if required. How can...
role_sys_privs session_roles 2. 如果用户 OLIVE 把自己表或表上某列的权限授予给了test , 则用户 OLIVE 能通过下表查看到自己授予给 TEST 的权限。 select * from all_tab_privs_made; select * from all_col_privs_made; select * from user_tab_privs_made; select * from user_col_privs_made; ...
4.1创建用户:create user 用户名 identifiled by 密码 4.2删除用户:drop user 用户名 4.3查看所有用户:select * from dba_users/all_users或者select * from user_users 4.4查看用户角色 (1)当前用户被激活的角色:select * from session_roles (2)当前用户被授予的角色:select * from user_role_privs (3)全部...
user_constraints where table_name='GOODS'; ②显示约束列 通过查询数据字典视图user_cons_columns,可以显示约束所对应的表列信息。 select column_name,position from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='ADDRESSCHECK'; ③当然也有更容易的方法,直接用pl/sql developer查看即可。
//行级约束语法,not null不能写成表级约束selectconstraint_name,constraint_type,table_name,status,invalidfromuser_constraintswheretable_name='TABNAME'; //未指定命名就系统默认SYS_开头,R是foreign key;C是check或not null;P是primary key;U是uniquecreate table tabB(id number(6),constraint tab_pk primary...
sql>select * from SESSION_ROLES; //查看当前用户的生效的角色。 修改指定用户,设置其默认角色 sql>alter user user1 default role role1; sql>alter user user1 default role all except role1; 删除角色 sql>drop role role1; 角色删除后,原来拥用该角色的用户就不再拥有该角色了,相应的权限也就没有了...
See: Overview of Roles and Role Based Security, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide If the user's update/edit source system item cross-reference privilege for the matched item is valid, the system creates or updates the cross-reference, then imports the data. Depending on ...
For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed. Ready for Use by End Users(Feature Delivered Enabled) Reports ...
duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck from active database DORECOVER spfile set db_unique_name='TESTDGPHY' set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=/arch valid_for=(ALL_LOGFILES,ALL_ROLES) db_unique_name=TESTDGPHY' set log_archive_dest_2='service=TNS_DGPRI async lgwr register valid...