group by tablespace_name) t, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f where t.tablespace_name = and t.tablespace_name in ('XXXXTablespaceName‘) order by t.tablespace_name;...
I am using the query bellow to check the usage of tablespaces in my oracle DBs: select t.tablespace_name, t.size_mb, f.free_mb, round((f.free_mb*100)/t.size_mb,2) percent_free from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) size_mb from dba_data_files group by t...
Check Tablespace Growth in Oracle To get a tablespace’s growth, we can query the data dictionary view DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE, which holds the historical usage of a tablespace to predict future growth. See the oracle reference for this table fromhere. It’s available in AWR or Automatic...
# tablespace usagep check functioncheck { sqlplus -S"/ as sysdba"<< EOF setlinesize 200 setpagesize 200 spool/tmp/tablespace.log selecta.tablespace_name, total,free,(total-free) as usage from (selecttablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024as total from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name)...
1、创建脚本 Oracle表空间的信息需要SQL语句查询得到,因此,我们首先创建一个获取表空间信息的原始脚本/h ome/oracle/,这个脚本由oracle用户去执行,脚本内容如下: #!/bin/bash # tablespace usagep check source ~/.bash_profile ...
vim /home/oracle/scripts/ 1. 脚本内容如下: 复制 #!/bin/bash# tablespace usagepchecksource ~/.bash_profilefunctioncheck{sqlplus -S"/ as sysdba"<< EOFsetnumwidth 20setlinesize 200setpagesize 200spool /tmp/ora_tablespace.txtselectaa.tablespace_name,round(bb.maxs, 2)"MAX(...
官方文档对于DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS的技术是:DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS describes tablespace usage metrics for all types of tablespaces, including permanent, temporary, and undo tablespaces.翻译过来是:DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS 描述了所有类型表空间的表空间使用指标...
Usage: ACFS Mountpath: /home/oracle/acfsdir1 volstat 是一个非常重要的命令,它显示卷的性能统计信息。对于特定的磁盘组,该命令会显示所有卷及统计信息,如调用读/写的方式、已写入/读取的字节数、每种类型的操作中所花费的时间以及遇到的错误数量。
SQLError Exception caught during import: (1653, 'ORA-01653: unable to extend table RHNSAT.RHNPACKAGECHANGELOG by 1024 in tablespace DATA_TBS\n', 'insert into rhnPackageChangeLog (package_id, name, text, time) values (:package_id, :name, :text, :time)') ...