USER_ROLE_PRIVS: 当前用户被授予的角色 另外还有针对表的访问权限的视图: TABLE_PRIVILEGES ALL_TAB_PRIVS ROLE_TAB_PRIVS: 某个角色被赋予的相关表的权限 ... 二. Examples 1. 查询当前用户所拥有的权限 Select * from session_privs; 2. 查询某个用户被赋予的系统权限. 可以有多种方式 Select * from us...
It will grant the EBS_ADMIN role with all its privileges to user SCOTT. Creating and Using Roles The CREATE ROLE [IDENTIFIED BY <password>] command, creates a role. Assigning privileges to the role is done using the GRANT command. Revoking privileges is done using the REVOKE <privilege> FR...
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('todos');CREATE USER miriam IN GROUP todos; 参考REVOKE 语句重新分配访问权限.用法 给所有用户向表 films 插入记录的权限: GRANT INSERT ON films TO PUBLIC; 赋予用户 manuel 操作视图 kinds 的所有权限: GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT 语法允许对...
Oracle recommends that you create one software owner to own each Oracle software installation (typically, oracle, for the database software and grid for the Oracle Restart owner user). To create separate Oracle software owners, to create separate users, and separate operating system privileges groups...
granted to this -- user. -- -- The following 5 privileges are granted explicitly, but could be -- granted through a role. GRANT CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TO &&ReplLogin; GRANT DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM TO &&ReplLogin; GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO &&ReplLogin; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO &&ReplLogin; ...
In the case of granting privileges on a table, this would be the table name. user The name of the user that will be granted these privileges. Example Let's look at some examples of how to grant privileges on tables in Oracle. For example, if you wanted to grant SELECT, INSERT, ...
grant create seesion to public; #将权限授予所有用户。 select * from user_sys_privs; 查看当前用户的系统权限。 对象权限: grant(revoke) select on mytable to(from) gis; grant(revoke) all on mytable to(from) gis; select * from user_tab_privs; #查看当前用户的表的对象权限: ...
Pricing security enables you to restrict pricing activities such as updating and viewing pricing entities to users granted specific access privileges.Pricing security can be set up and maintained by a user who is assigned the Oracle Pricing Administrator responsibility. Pricing security is set up and ...
I have created a user, let's call him C##USER from sysdba. Now, I'm trying to create another user from C##USER. Problem is I keep getting the following error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges I have granted C##USER all privileges and have set the default role to ALL. Nothing works...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 8.1.7 to 11.2] Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 03-Aug-2016*** SYMPTOMS TRIGGER AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE does not fireLogin as a user with DBA privilegesORA-0060...