手工创建监听:直接编辑listener.ora,默认路径为$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ 5.监听操作 安装完成后使用 lsnrctl status 命令查看监听状态,其他命令有: help 查看所有命令 start 启动监听 stop 关闭监听 status 查看监听器状态 services 监看监听器提供的服务(信息比status更完整) version 显示监听器的版本 reload 强制...
Services 列举出服务的一个汇总表及为每个协议服务处理程序所建立和拒绝的连接信息个数 Start listener 启动指定的监听器 Status listener 显示指定监听器的状态 Stop listener 关闭指定的监听器 Trace 打开监听器的跟踪特性 Version 显示Oracle Net软件与协议适配器的版本 Change_password 允许用户修改关闭监听器所需要的...
alter system set LOCAL_LISTENER='test_dg'; -- test_dg 为tnsname. 也可以直接设置ip:port/service_name 进行配置: alter system set local_listener='xx.xx.xx.xx:1521/service_name'; 3密码 3.1设置密码 设置密码需要通过lsnrctl 命令进入交互式,然后输入change_password 或者set password 来设置新的密码:...
2、进入$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin目录。 3、使用文本编辑器(如记事本)打开名为listener.ora的文件。 步骤二:修改侦听端口 4、在listener.ora文件中,找到类似以下的行: “`plaintext LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_RADO= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = your_host_name)(PORT = your_port_number)) ) “`...
public interface ServiceConfigChangeListener OPSS Service's or a Proxy (TenantContextManager) should implement this interface if service wants to be able to listen to configuration changes made by the Management Config Beans. The idea is that an OPSS Service is generally implemented by a bunc...
Once the DEFAULT_SERVICE parameter is configured, reload the listener to bring this change into effect:- lsnrctl reload Sol 2. If using a service name, check that the connect descriptor corresponding to the service name in TNSNAMES.ORA of the client has a SERVICE_NAME o...
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs...
(1)Can I change the public hostname in my Oracle Database 10g Cluster using Oracle Clusterware? Hostname changes are not supported in Oracle Clusterware (CRS), unless you want to perform a deletenode followed by a new addnode operation. ...
在Oracle安装目录 找到listener.ora文件 路径为 D:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN (根据自己情况查找) 修改: # listener.ora Network Configuration File: D:\oracl\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. ...
Service Name, which is available starting with Oracle release 8.0. Both methods use a value that is configured when the database is created and it is important that the client networking configuration use the same naming method that the administrator used when configuring the listener for the ...