CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE change_password ( p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_newpassword IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER USER ' || p_username || ' IDENTIFIED BY ' || p_newpassword; END; 调用过程 使用以下PL/SQL语句调用过程并传递用户名和新密码参数: EXEC change_password('userna...
_';--Check if the password is same as the usernameIFNLS_LOWER(password)=NLS_LOWER(username)THENraise_application_error(-20001,'Password same as or similar to user');ENDIF;--Check for the minimum length of the passwordIFlength(password)<9THENraise_application_error(-20002,'Password length le...
Password changed SQL> 第二个方法:alter user 命令: SQL> ALTER USER &MYUSERNAME IDENTIFIED BY &NEWPASSWORD REPLACE &OLDPASSWORD; 使用replace 关键字的alter user 语法 是修复 bug 1231172方案的一部分,因此,该语法可以在当前所有支持的release上使用。 第三个方法:前台业务软件使用 OCIPasswordChange() call。
下载安装 wget sudo rpm -ivh...
1.创建PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION相应密码复杂度验证函数(下面会详细看utlpwdmg.sql ) 建议sys用户下创建 SQL> @ $ORACLE_HOME/RDBMS/ADMIN/utlpwdmg.sql → [verify_function|verify_function_11G] Function created. Profile altered. Function created. 2.设置密码策略 ...
ALTER USER andy IDENTIFIED BY password However, for better security, use the PASSWORD statement to change the account's password. The ALTER USER statement displays the new password on the screen, where it can be seen by any overly curious coworkers. The PASSWORD command does not display the...
Edit, Preferences, Change Password Edit, Preferences, Profiles View, Find All (WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE) Enabled if the block allows querying, and not already in enter-query mode. View, Query by Example, Enter (WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE) ...
系统权限( database system privilege ) 可以让用户执行特定的命令集。...一.ORACLE默认管理员密码(1)普通用户:SCOTT(密码:tiger)(2)普通管理员:SYSTEM(密码:manager)(3)超级管理员:SYS(密码:change_on_install...oracle提供三种标准角色(role):connect/resource和dba. connect role(连接角色) 临时用户,特指不...
一、PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION参数语法: 语法: ALTER PROFILE profile LIMIT { resource_parameters | password_parameters } ... ; {| PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION { function | NULL | DEFAULT } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 对于FUNCTION(函数)指定密码复杂度验证例程的名称,该FUNCTION必须存在于SYS用户中,并...
Confirm the configuration change details: Bash复制 RMAN> show all; Run the backup. The following command takes a full database backup, including archive log files, as a backup set in compressed format: Bash复制 RMAN> backup as compressed backupset databas...